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Millinean Falcon

Everyone was ready and had an armed weapon. They could see Endor. Finn sat up walked over Reeve. Finn carried one blaster in his hands.
"Is that all you use?" Reeve asked.
Finn turned to him confused, "What?"
"Oh, I mean your weapon. Only a blaster?" Reeve repeated.
Finn looked down at his blaster, "Yeah it suits me."
Reeve nodded his head and held up two pistols, "These are my choices."
Finn looked at the two guns and smiled.
Rey was in the cock-pit with Chewbacca. She flipped switches and sat up, "Can you land the rest?"
The wookie shook his head up and down.
"Thanks." She said as she left and walked into the room with everyone.
The Captain walked over to Rey,
"We need to do a fly over. I've spoken with everyone. They are aware."
Rey shook her head yes.
"You'll fly over around the back of the camp about 500 yards and drop Finn, Reeve, Chewbacca and three of my men. Then we'll fly around to the other side of the planet and work our way in." The Captain gave orders clearly.
Rey spoke, "Wouldn't it be safer if we stuck together?"
Captain Dameron spoke again, "No. We're planning on other group getting captured. Then when we go to rescue Poe we'll get them to."
Rey was shocked at his plan, "You can't do that. What if we can't get them?"
"We will get them Rey. Follow your order." The Captain spoke with a quick reply and walked away.
Then one of troops spoke, "Here's the fly over." They had reached the trees and in a few short minutes the first group would deploy.
Rey hugged Finn, "Be safe." She whispered into his ear. Finn nodded his head and jumped out with Chewbacca and Reeve followed by three Resistance men.

Rey landed the ship on the other side of the planet as planned. She was grabbing her pistol when she remembered something. She opened a compartment and revealed her lightsaber she clinched it to her waist. She walked out of the cock-pit and saw the Captain with a blaster and Gillow with a rifle. The other men had blasters also. The Captain spoke loudly,
"We're ready."
The six of them climbed of the Millinean Falcon and and started walking in the direction of the other group. Gillow walked beside Rey and saw her lightsaber,
"Where's you get that?" He said pointing to the lightsaber.
Rey walked with her back held straight,
"I'm traing. To be a Jedi."
Gillow was surprised, "A Jedi!?"

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