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Poe ran through the trees. Looking for somewhere safe to hide. BB-8 was by his side just keeping up. As Poe looked behind he saw trees collapsing on fire. BB-8 was even more behind now and slowing Poe down. He ran back and picked the droid up in his arm. Poe continued searching for a spot to hide. There was still nothing. Poe didn't realize a stump sticking out of the ground. As he ran by his foot got stuck. He was thrown to the grown with his gear still in his hands. BB-8 was released out of hands as he hit the ground. Poe struggled to get back up. He had reached his feet and grabbed BB-8. Then in the distance he spotted a hole. The hole was quickly lit on fire and a group of Flametroppers appeared over the hill.
"Over there." Yelled one as he pointed directly at Poe. The group started running towards him. Poe glanced behind him. The other Flametroopers were drawing closer. He looked to his right and started running. The in the distance appeared another group charging at him. Poe made a U-turn with his feet. Before he realized there was another group from the left. Pie was surrounded with BB-8 in his arms. He dropped his supplies and BB-8. He was surrounded by the troops. Poe put hands on his head. One of Flametroopers through him to the ground. Two others lit his gear on fire and one picked up the squirming BB-8.

Two Flametroopers holding on to Poe as they reached the base.
"Give him to us. We'll take him to Kylo Ren." Said one of the two stormtroopers waiting for there arrival. They through him to the ground and the other two picked him up.
"What about this?" Said another stormtrooper with BB-8 in his arms.
"Through the droid into the chute."
BB-8 started beeping crazy as the stormtrooper walked behind the camp and dumped him through a slot built into a building.

The two stormtroopers brought Poe into a dark room. One of them spoke, "We have him."
Then appearing out of the light was Kylo Ren, "Good. There will be some type of rescue mission on the way, be prepared."
The other stormtrooper spoke, "Yes sir."
"Leave us." Kylo Ren said as the stormtroopers walked into the dark and shackled him from his hands.
After the two left Kylo Ren lights turned on. A red interior was shown.
"We meet once again pilot. Wouldn't want you to slip out of my hands again." Kylo Ren turned around and left the room.

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