chapter 3

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"Oh jungkook? Why are you here?" , taehyung approached him first. Taehyung and jungkook often played together back then, before he dated hyeyon. so they're pretty close with each other.

"To meet--" , before he could finish, I joined the conversation.

"Are you waiting for hyeyon? You can wait for her there" , I pointed at her house across mine. I sounded too harsh, but I didn't really care.

"No! That's why I'm here. I want to meet you" , jungkook said.

"Is it about biology project?" , if it's just about biology, I would choose to talk about it later at school with the group. I couldn't stand to see him any longer. It made my heart beating faster.

"Yes actually, but I want to talk to you too" , I was so curious, what did he want to talk about. There's nothing to talk about beside that biology project.

"Okay, just talk here" , I crossed my arms in front of my chest. Not trying to be rude, just wanted to. Taehyung stood there confused by my attitude toward jungkook. Maybe it's too rude.

"I'll come inside first" , I nodded and taehyung walked inside.

"So?" , I asked impatiently.

"Can we go somewhere? like our usual coffee shop?" , he asked.

"Why? How if hyeyon finds out--"

"So we can talk.. and it's okay I've told her before" , he said while I was debating in my mind. Should I go or no.

"Okay fine" , I finally areed to go to the coffee shop with him. It's near from my house and it used to be our place to hang out back then. By our I meant hyeyon,jungkook,and me.

"Let's go" , we chose to walk because it's only five minutes away. We walked side by side and no one was trying to speak. This is so freakin awkward.

"Hmm, may I ask you something?" , finally he broke the silence. I hummed as a response.

"Ah I will just ask you later" , he seemed so hesitate to ask me something. What was it about?

We had arrived at the coffee shop and I could still smell the same fragnant from back then. This coffee shop held so much memories between us. I had never been here since.... since they're dating. I was trying so hard to push away every momeries with them. So I could move on. Even though, I still failed.

"Hey jungkook!" , the same barista from back then greeted jungkook and then he noticed my presence, "eunseung?!" , yeah I knew him. He's seokjin. He had a handsome face and his visual could attract a lot of customers. He knew us very well, because like I said, we often hung out here. Very often. He must be surprised to saw me again, because it's been nearly a year since the last time I came here.

"Hi oppa" , I greeted with my sweet smile, "how are you?"

"As you can see! Fine!" , he smiled , "where were you?! It's always been jungkook and hyeyon only. I miss you!" , oh how I wished he knew the real reason why I had never came here with them anymore.

"I'm just so busy with school stuff. And of course jungkook often comes here with hyeyon, they're dating afterall" , I faked a smile. I felt a stab on my heart. I still felt this everytime I talked about jungkook and hyeyon. I failed to move on miserably.

"Two caramel macchiato ,please?" , jungkook quickly ordered the coffee. Same coffee as back then. And he still remembered my favorite. We had the same favorite menu at this coffee shop. The caramel macchiato.

"Okay, as usual" ,Jin smiled sweetly and quickly made the drinks, "here, enjoy your drinks!" , he handed the coffee and I took that.

"Let's sit here" , I sat down accross him and started to sipping my caramel macchiato.

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