chapter 6

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The sun was shining bright from my window. My maid opened the curtains so the sunlight came through my bedroom's window.

All I could remember was, I fell asleep while doing the biology project with Jungkook and Jimin. Crap! How were they?! How did I end up here? One thing that I knew for sure, someone carried me up last night. But who was it?

I quickly did my morning routine. It's saturday and I didn't have anything to do. After I had done my morning routine, I walked to the window. This had been my habit every weekend's morning. I would always walk to the window while eating my bread. All I did is looking at hyeyon's front door. Because Jungkook always visit her house on weekend.

Right when I was looking through the window, Jungkook's famous red car arrived in front of hyeyon's house. I could see he brought a flower. Oh so sweet, how I wish it was for me.

I realised I had no right to think like that. Jungkook didn't like me and I had to stop liking him. Scratch that, loving him. I immediately closed my window with the curtains. I needed to entertain myself with some movies, not looking at the worst scene across my house.


I took my phone on my bed and looked at the dialer. Jeon Jungkook. What was he doing by calling me? I hesitated to answer it but I finally decided to answer it.


"What take you so long?" , he sounded a bit annoyed. What's wrong with him?

"Sorry, I was having a breakfast" , I told him.

"Could you please open your front door? Where is your maid? No one is home?" ,wow he's still such a talkative person.

"Aren't you at hyeyon's house right now? My maid is going to the market right now." I Walked downstairs and opened the door. Showing the guy that I liked so much with his white baggy t-shirt while I was wearing the red one. "Yeah no one is home. What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, just want to see you" , I could feel my heart was beating faster but this was way too cheesy. He must be lying, he wouldn't come here just because he wanted to see me. He never wanted to see me anyway. His careness was full of hyeyon hyeyon and hyeyon.

"Are you insane?" , I blurted out and realised I sounded too harsh. "Sorry.."

"It's okay, maybe yes I'm a bit insane. I've been missing you a lot these days" , he walked in to my house without waiting for me to let him in. I followed him to the sofa.

"That's rare" , I told him the truth. He had never missed me even once. Since he was dating with hyeyon, they seemed never miss me at all. They didn't even realised at first, when I was being distant with them.

"You know, relationship problems. Those things make me want to hang out with my best friend more, rather than with my girlfriend" , he said calmly and he breathed out at the end of his words. I felt a bit happy to hear that. '...make me want to hang out with my best friend more, rather than my girl friend'. Anyway it seemed like there's a little big problems between them. Maybe the flowers that he brought for her was his apology.

"Oh, you've never had relationship problems before?", I asked with full of curiousity. They had been dating for almost a year and never had relationship problems at all? That's impossible right? the fact was that hyeyon loved to causing troubles.

"No, of course no" , Oh I knew it , "we did have some problems. But never this big. I didn't know she would be mad over this thing" , he sighed for the nth times.

"What kind of problems?" , I really wanted to know.

"You better don't know" , he ruffled my hair. He successfully made my heart beating faster. He loved to ruffled my hair back then, but he never did this again. I missed him a lot.

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