Chapter Three.

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I heaved myself from the warmth of my bed and got dressed, despite having to really push to wake up I wanted to get outside and do something. The ground beneath my feet was solid from the frost and the grass crunched with eat step. I climbed the edge of the mountains which surrounded Hogwarts to watch the low winter sunrise.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it.” a voice from above asked as the red streaks hit their optimum hue.

“Didn’t know you were an early riser.” I laughed looking up to see the smiling face of Ebony. “Why did your parents call you Ebony when your surnames Black?”

“If I knew I’d shoot them myself.” She laughed tying her hair back into a high ponytail. “Might be because of my Black hair or black soul.”

“Or maybe they had a bad sense of humour.” I suggested.

“According to my uncle my dad had no sense of humour.” She laughed jumping down from her ledge to mine. “What about you Charlie, why Charles?”

“We’ve all got Proper names, well kind of; William, Charles, Percy, Frederick, George, Ronald and Ginevra.” 

“If I had a sister do you think they’d have called her Pitch?”

“No, definitely Noir.” I laughed and she grinned up at me. “Why the early morning anyway?”

She snorted shrugging, “Just feel strange, I wake up early when I feel strange and yourself?”

“I like the outdoors, its elemental.”  I purred and she burst into peals of laughter. “What?”

“I’ve read way too many romance books where the hero is described as being Elemental. Are you going to ravish me or kidnap me now?”

“Only if you promise not to scream.” I smirked playing along standing up and hefting her over my shoulder.

Her soft stomach moulded around my shoulder as she gripped onto my jeans to stop herself from falling. Her Bum was right next to me and before I knew what I was doing I was looking at it quite happily, I jumped down to the ground a few feet below, causing a grunt to be pushed from her stomach. “You alright back there?” I asked patting her bum as I walked back towards the castle.

“Yup, although if you insist of carrying me I would rather have a piggyback.” She muttered smacking my bum in return.


A small gasp left my lips as he lifted me easily from his shoulder and turned around, allowing me to climb onto his back. I did and rested my chin against his shoulder as he walked us back towards the castle.

“I love the forest.” I said suddenly as we passed the dark expanse. “I feel elemental in there.” He laughed and hitched me up higher on his back.

“I love the forest too, what do you think of the lake?” he asked turning to look at me from the corner of his eye.

“I’m scared of it to be honest, I just think something’s gonna grab my feet and pull me under.” I cringed as a shiver ran up my spine. “Maybe in a past life I was drowned.”

“Maybe.” He said quietly. “I really wanna fly a dragon.”

“No way!” I laughed perking up. “That would be so much fun.”

“I’m thinking bout going into working with dragons next year.”

“Not quidditch?”

“Nah, it’s a good job and I’d be famous and I’d enjoy it. But I’d only enjoy it, now dragon’s I would love that.”

“Go for it then!” I laughed pinching his cheek playfully.

“What do you wanna do?

“I dunno, I enjoy everything too much. No matter what I did I’d want to do something else.” I said thinking then it hit me, “I’ll just be a mum, what’s more fun than teaching kids about everything?”

“How about a teacher, then you can leave the kids at the end of the day and not have to worry about punishment.”

“True.” I laughed, but I didn’t want to give these imaginary kids up, I wanted them all the time. “I could start a school for mini wizards.”

“My mum would have sent all of us if there was one near us.” He smiled as I jumped down off his back. “See you at practise.”

“Yes see you then.” I smiled as he headed to the common room and I went for a cup of tea in the great hall. 

Please. Ebony BlackWhere stories live. Discover now