Deleted Scene!

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This chapter was going to be the start of this story, but as I wrote and developed it, the timescale was already out on Regulus being old enough to have had a child instead of just dying at 18, like he should have done in the original Harry Potter stories.

Just found it and thought you might like to have a read :P


You-Know-Who has ruled my life since its beginning, every time he was mentioned something horrible happened, I’ve lost three parents as a result of his doings, my father was a giant of a man I’ve seen men cower from a glare from him, but he would cuddle me for hours every time I was with him. My mother was always stern and serious, especially after dad was killed, the fire left her eyes and all she could do was love me and my Uncle, he took me in after everything and looked after me until he was framed for murder.

“I love you so much Eb, I’m doing this for you.” Dad whispered kissing my nose as I squealed with laughter and kissed his nose.

“Love you too daddy, what are you doing for me?” I asked blissfully ignorant at 3.

“Going to get the monster underneath your bed.” he laughed hooking a free arm around mum’s waist and hugging us both at the same time.

The next weekend I woke up and got my rabbit ready to go round to daddy’s house, mum cried as she told me a bad man had thought he was bad so took him away. From that day onwards mum and I moved around constantly, and with every new house came the same game which mum insisted we play. Hide and Seek, but instead of her counting and finding me, she’d tell me where to hide and count to ten, seeing how quickly and quietly I could.

“Eb, remember what I told you?” mum asked as she waved her wand and changed my room into an office.

I nodded kissed her cheek, grabbed my rabbit and ran to the cabinet beneath the plates, I stuck my fingers in my ears as a crash sounded through the front doors, “I need to find uncle Sirius, I need to find Uncle Sirius.” I chanted in my head as the shouting started.

“Where is she?!” a man shouted and a flash of light was visible through the crack in the door.

“Who, I swear Tom, I don’t know who you mean!” mum shouted.

“That brat of yours, I told you I would be the last!” he shouted and I bit my lip and hugged my rabbit tighter until I was sucked into darkness, into fear.

“Oh my, sweetheart are you alright?” a soft voice asked, I’d finally stopped spinning and I could hear birds but I daren’t yet open my eyes.

Fingers moved some hair from my face as the soft voice asked if I was ok again, I opened one eye carefully and saw a lady with red hair looking down at me. “Oh my word.” she gasped scooping me against her and running to a man not too far away.

“James, look who I found.” She whispered moving my hand from my face, the man had sticky uppy hair and glasses. “Doesn’t she look like?”

“Sirius.” The man said nodding and I grinned.

“Momma sent me to Uncle Sirius.” I stated pulling my rabbit away from my face and looking at the man properly.

“Who’s your momma?” the lady asked hitching me up on her hip.

“Meredith.” I stated smiling a little.

“And your daddy?”


“Do you think she’s Regulus’s?” the man asked the woman who shrugged. 

"There's no doubt, she looks like them both." The woman smiled pinching my cheek as I snuggled into her long red hair, she made me feel safe, just like Momma always did. "Well he'll be here in a bit, would you like a biscuit?"

I nodded passing the man my rabbit as I wrapped my small arms around her neck. 

"Want one?" The man asked as we walked through the field towards their house.

"Maybe." the woman laughed seconds before I was pulled away from her and thrown into the air. "JAMES!"

"She likes it." he stated bopping me on the head with my rabbit, "Don't you sweetie?"

I nodded shyly as he threw me into the air again causing a happy squeal to be ripped from my chest. 

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