Blood stained snow

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Quinn looked across the icy landscape and new she had to find Piper. It was the middle of winter and the survey corpse went on a big expedition. Quinn rode her horse faster, her green cape flying behind her. She finally found captain Levi and his squad. Quinn looked throughout the people the soldiers and finally found Piper. "Quinn, what are you doing here?" Questioned Piper as she hugged Quinn. "I lost my squad..." Quinn said quietly. This was the third time that Quinn had lost her squad and she knew that captain Levi was starting to get irritated. Captain Levi took out a black flare and fired it into the air, indicating that Quinn was lost. About seven minutes later, Armin and Krista came sprinting to them. "Is everything all right!?" Krista asked with a worried look on her face. "Yes. There is no danger but this idiotic mutt wondered over here and ruined our formation." Levi sighed picking Quinn up by her shirt collar. "Quinn!" Armin and Krista both said in unison. Then, there was a loud thumping noise coming from the forest. Levi fired a red flare indicating that a titan is coming. "Ugh. You might as well stay here now that a titans coming." Levi sighed. "Titan fighting twins!!!" Screamed Quinn and Piper. They started jumping up and down until Levi shot them a death glare and told them to get ready. The titan that came was about 9 meters high and had a huge potbelly. It's nose was about the size as of a child's hand and his eyes were a dark brown color. "Disgusting." Levi spat as he took out his blade. Using his 3D maneuvering device, Levi flawlessly dug at the nape of the titans neck and struck him out flawlessly. Quinn and Piper were watching in awe as Levi landed safely on the ground. "That was amazing!" Krista squealed. Levi just shrugged and told everyone to look out for the next attack. It seemed like hours until a red flare erupted near the forest. "Go to that red flare now!" Levi commanded. His squad then got on there horses and rode off. "Coming?" Levi asked Quinn, clearly irritated. Quinn nodded, got on her horse, and rode off next to Piper. "Quinn's squad was the one to fire the flare in the woods. Squad Hanji was it?" Levi asked Quinn. She nodded her head. When Levi reached the forest, he stopped and stated at the horrors that awaits. All of Quinn's squad was dead. Blood was spattered on the crystal white snow as corpses were spread across the icy plain. Legs and arms of soldiers were torn off as the bodies lay there, motionless. "What are you waiting for?" Quinn asked. She then looked in the forest and let out a bloodcurdling scream. "Everyone enter. Commanded Levi. After seven minutes of searching, Levi found Sasha and squad leader Hanji. Sasha was in a panic, trying to fire off another red flare but couldn't stop shaking. "Whats going on?" Levi asked. "A female titan came by and killed all my squad. Everyone is dead except for me and Hanji but she's knocked out!" Sasha frantically said. Levi looked at the sun set and then spoke. "Armin, take Sasha on your horse. It's getting late so we will head back to the castle." Levi then took squad leader Hanji and propped her up on his horse and left for camp. Right when they got to the castle, Levi made an announcement. "Quinn, Armin, Krista, and the remaining soldiers of squad Hanji will be permanently joining my squad." Quinn and Piper then ran up and tackled Levi. "Thank you so much! Thank you so much!" Quinn and Piper squealed. "If you don't shut up I'll throw you out if this castle and feed you to the titans. Now get to bed." Levi spat. Quinn and Piper nodded there heads and went to there room. Piper fell asleep immediately, but Quinn lay awake to sounds of Levi trying to revive Hanji. "Damn! It's not working. Go get the medical professionals!" Levi screamed. Quinn's eyelids started getting heavy so she put her head down and fell asleep.

Alone, the both of usOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora