Distrust takes a toll

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Quinn squinted at the Suns warm glow. Last time she had been on an expedition it was winter. After about a mile of riding, the intermediate group broke away from the beginners and rode to the forest. Quinn cringed at the thought of going back in the woods ever sense her squad was eliminated. Before entering the woods, the squad took a short break. Everything was calm. The silence was unnatural. It was finally time to journey into the Titan-infested forest. Quinn's head felt fuzzy and her stomach felt queazy. Her face faded into white. Her under eye circles were dark because of a lack of sleep and she was getting a fever. Her face was shiny from sweating too much. Piper had gotten called to the front of the pack with Levi and Erwin to help spot Titans. Quinn's breathing started getting heavier and her panicky state was getting more noticeable. Then a hand touched Quinn's shoulder. "Hey what's the matter?" A voice said. Quinn turned around and noticed a girl with long brown hair tied up in a braid. She wore thin rimmed glasses and looked a little older than Quinn. Quinn remembered that her name was Renée and she had been in the survey corpse for years. "What's wrong?" Renee asked again. Well first of all we are all probably going to die in the coarse of twenty hours and I'm all alone. Quinn thought to herself. instead she said, "oh it's just that I'm super hungry." Quinn lied. Renée looked confused for a moment. "Well we will be eating once we find a good place to rest." Renée assured. Quinn sympathetically grinned at her and stared down into the mane of her horse. "If your scared then I'm right here and I'll protect you." Renée said confidently. "I-I'm not scared!" Quinn stuttered. Deep down Quinn felt glad that Renée had her back. Quinn thought about back home and how she and Piper have been through so much. As she thought more and more she started getting angry. Why did she leave me to go to the front?! We are supposed to be Titan fighting twins?! Does she want me to be alone?! Quinn thought in her head. "Oi! Up ahead Is a group of trees we can stop at!" Levi announced slowing down his horse. Everyone dismounted there horses and slumped down with there backs against trees. Quinn and Renée found a spot and sat. Piper then found them and came running to them. "Hey Quinn!" Piper said as she sat down. Piper then noticed Renée. "Nice to meet you!" Renée happily said. "Um hi." Piper questioned back. Piper then turned to Quinn. "So how have you been doing?" She asked Quinn. "Fine." Quinn said fiercely and out her head between her elbows. "What's wrong?" Piper asked Quinn. "Nothing. I just thought you would be by my side forever." Quinn mumbled then stomped off. "Wait!" Piper yelled but she knew it was no use. The Survey Corps got on there horses and started riding again. Until a black flare erupted. The female Titan has been spotted.

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