The big Expedition

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The next week the whole survey corps was worrying about the expedition outside the walls. After five days of tense, worry filled thoughts, it was finally the night of the expedition. That night at dinner, nobody spoke. Quinn stared down at her food plate picking at her stew while Piper had her face down on the table. That night, nobody slept. In the morning everybody gathered in the dining hall, tired from the previous nights. "Everybody, we will mount horses in fifteen minutes. There is breakfast laid out on the tables but the way you guys have been eating I doubt you will want it." Levi explained. Quinn and Piper glanced nervously at each other. "I'm so nervous." Piper whispered. Quinn nodded. After fifteen minutes of silence, Erwin finally ordered everyone to mount their horses. All the soldiers were spread out while townsfolk were yelling at them. "You guys can do it!" "Come on Erwin, kill lots of titans!" "You are so cool!" Yelled the town. However, these messages did not lift the scouts spirits. "It's gonna be ok." Piper whispered to Quinn. "Yea." She mumbled back. "We will now start the expedition outside the walls now!" Erwin commanded as the gate opened. "All the soldiers charged forward, tension, worry, and doubt lie on the journey ahead.

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