Aphmau p.o.v.
I looked at the clock. It was about 11am. My stomach growled. I need a job. I walked downtown to a restraunt. Frenglish was the name. I saw a sign hanging in the window. "Chef needed". I sighed and walked in. I pulled my sleeves down to cover my cuts. "Hello," the employee smiled at me. "Im here the apply for a job," I stated. "Sorry, we need a chef," she said, fake frowning. She looked about 22. "Let me cook for your manager. Then tell me if I'm a cook or not," I smiled cruelly. She scuffed and walked over to her manager.
I saw them talk. He looked over at me skeptically. I shrugged. He walked over. "You have guts. Let's see if your as good of a cook as you say," he challenged. I smirked, "Fine by me."Time skip
I had just finished cooking. I handed him the plate. He looked skeptical still. All of the employees were watching. The restraunt had closed already. I had made a Chicken Cortonblue. He cut into it and picked a piece up. He examined it and ate it. He chewed slowly, staring into space. The tension was strong. He cut another piece and ate it. I smiled a little. He ate the whole thing and turned to me. "Your our new cook," he said. The room erupted into claps. I blushed and thanked him. "You start Monday from 4pm to 8pm. You work weekdays," he told me. I nodded vigoresly.
I walked home with a smiled planted upon my face. I got a job cooking. I dont like to cook. But I think, if I'm not being utterly forced against my will, I will live. I was skipping home. Its 8pm. Since its still the end of summer-ish. Okay, its really September but its still light. Even at this time. The sun is actually setting but you get the idea!
I was snapped from my mind by someone spinning me around. It was Laurence. I'm too happy and excited to make a snarky remark. I'm too happy and excited to even talk. All I could do was smile. "Hey, Aphmau!" He smiled. I couldn't respond. I just smiled bigger. "Someone's happy to see," he smirked. My smile drooped. "Speak to meh girl," he demanded, smiling. "Igotajobcookingatarestrauntandimsoexcited! Iwillworkfrom4pmto8pmandiwillhavehomework! Butitdoesntmatter!" I said very quickly. "Whoa! Whoa.... calm down," he put his hands up. "I got a job cooking," I shortended. "Nice!" He said with thumbs up, "But with strict parents, don't you have a curfew?" I froze. "No, not anymore," I mumbled. He didn't seem to hear. Good...
When I got back home, I was drawn to the kitchen again. I told myself to stop, but my body didn't listen. I pushed that little voice aside and drew a knife. I inserted it under my skin ever-so-slightly. More blood dropped. Thorgi stopped in front of me, whimpering. The sting felt good. It felt human. I recleaned the knife again and put it away again. I wrapped my wrists up. No one need to know about this.
I went to school the next day. I bumped into this familiar brown haired kid. He turned to me. He had brown eyes. His eyes grew wide. So did mine. "APHMAU! He smiled. "ZENIX!" I squealed. "I haven't seen you in forever," he said. I nodded, smiling. "Say, where were you last week..?" He asked. Oh...... "Just very busy with family stuff," I fake smiled. "Oh...... how's your dad by the way?" He said, trying to be friendly.
Luckily, the bell came to the rescue. RIIIIIINNNNNNGGGG! I hurried to my locker, then to class.In English, we were told to write a compelling poem. I pulled a pencil out and began to think. A sad title comes first. Oh! What about "Destruction" or "Words"? Yah! I wrote it down. After that, everything flowed. Then the timer went off. One by one, we walked up and read our poems aloud. Lastly, it was my turn. I walked up.
They all mean the same thing.
To cause damage.
Sure, these are just words.
But words can kill.
Words can harm.
Words can be the difference
Between life and death.
Words can fill
You with happiness
And excitement.
Word can fill
You with sadness
And helplessness.
Once they're out,
They're nearly impossible
To put back in.
Be cautious of what you say.
You just can't tell
If that person
You called 'stupid'
Has a mental disorder.
If that person
You called 'fat'
Is on diet pills.
If that person
You made fun of
For liking 'childish' things
Got through tough times
As a kid by watching it on TV.
If that person
You called an 'attention whore'
Is neglected.
People hide their
Feeling in fear
Of being hurt.
I finished. The room was silent. Then it erupted in an applause. It soon became a standing ovasion. I blushed and smiled awkwardly. "You should sent that to an editor," my teacher suggested. I nodded bashfully and waddled back to my seat.At lunch, Katelyn was telling us her current obsession with theatre. I was thinking. Should I send it to an editor? I didn't think it was that good. Maybe average for my age. Nothing more. I was just expressing my feelings. That's all. "We should all join a acting class!" Kawaii chan offered. "Sure," I shrugged. "Sounds like fun," Nicole nodded. Katelyn pulled her phone out. "There's this company in town where we direct our own play and meet together and get our friends to be actors!" She read from her phone, "it has an opening on Sunday." We all agreed. "Sign us up," I encouraged. She smiled and did so. I have a feeling this will be interesting. Too bad I have to wait 5 and 1/2 days.
{Meh....... the chappy was just less than 1000 words..... thats below average for me but I'm so eager to post. My average is 1300 words. I just wanna get this out there for y'all! Btw, I'm thinking about Travis entering the story..... should I? He's from Season 2 and all of these character are Season 1 and 2 for some. But they all can be seen in season 1. I'm thinking I will. And Fenrir too.... but he would be a special matter. Anyway, I'm just looking to keep you guys in the loop. Bye my kitsunes!} {P.s. I finished the guys collage picture. Again, I didn't draw the pics. I just put them together}

Shattered {#WATTYS2016} ADOPTED
FanfictionTRIGGER WARNING!!! - Depression, suicidal thoughts/actions, self harm, death, abuse, bullying ~READ AT OWN RISK!!!~ Aphmau has been lonely all her life. When she was 9 her mother got cancer and died. Her childhood friends left her when they moved aw...