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When he's or you're tired


Calum is pretty much appreciating your presence since the day the group was off tour. He was now resting alone with you and your dog, Panda. Panda is the one who you just bought when he's off the tour and he decided to get out since the both of you didn't even talked and walked together. Since Calum is really missing Kuma now, he thought of buying another puppy.

"What should be his name?" He asked.

"No Calum! Its a girl!" You defended and then he shrugged. He looked at the fluffy hair of the dog. It is so fitting the dog.

"Well then," he said and then you giggled. You clinged your shoulder around him and he smile.

"What's her name then?" He smirked and then you started to flop on the couch with him, petting her on your lap.

"Can I take it from Tekken?" You asked since you have remembered that his first dog was named on Tekken. And Kuma's girl version is Panda.

"Well then, I have a suggestion!" You said and he looked at you, still petting Panda.

"We'll have to call her Panda." You said and he stared at Panda. He looks at her features.

"She doesn't look like a panda!" He whined and then you chuckled and kissed his cheeks.

"Well, do you remember when we played Tekken?" You started. "Kuma's girl version is Panda... Since Panda is really really cute, I have to take her name and then I'll name it on our baby!" You cheered and then Calum smiled. "You're so brilliant Y/N," he said and then he kissed your cheeks.

"Well..." You shrugged. "We should play Tekken then!" You said and then runned to the Nintendo Wii.


"Baby, you should put the flour first before the white eggs!" You told him and then he smiled. He failed following your instructions because he filled up the empty bowl with full of eggs with egg yolks. You pouted and then he started to mess your cooking lessons!

"Ashton Freaking Irwin! Don't mess up with my cooking lessons!" You sternly said to him and he pouted too. You smiled when he really do look so cute.

"Okay, just make it better one Irwin. Now just place the yo--- What the hell do you think you're doing?!" You shouted and then he stopped himself pouring the eggs on the trash can.

"Look! The eggs are already gone in the bowl. What's the matter with that!?" Ashton whined and then he placed the bowl down on the counter and then you pouted.

"It's not what I think you supposed to do Irwin!" You shouted, a bit upset with his sudden change of reaction.


What?!" He yelled back, he started to pour all of the flour in to the counter and then he started to smirk. You just raised your eyebrow, sternly looking up to him.

"Ashton, I'm freaking tired and I just wanted to bake!" You said And then he smiled.

"Then, I'll help you! I'll help you to bake the biggest, happiest, cupcake in the whole world!" He said and then he started to gather up all of the chocolate and vanilla syrups, the chocolate chips, the marshmallows and food colors.

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