Stupid Ideas With Inevitable Results

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     I sat in the back of Jareds truck, Jared in the drivers seat. Both him and Kyle were unusually quiet. Which made me more uncomfortable than the fact that I had no idea where we were heading. We all just piled in, no questions asked. A bad idea on my part I'll admit. I had just met Jared recently, and my brother Kyle is crazy.

     I stared out the window, trying to preoccupy myself until we arrived at our destination. Unfortunately the scenery was lacking. We were in the middle of no where, I finally noticed. Rolling hills and plains surrounded us on all sides.

     "Um." I finally spoke up. "Where are we heading?"

     Jared just glanced at me through his rear-view mirror and chuckled. "You finally ask. You know, you'd make an easy target for kidnapping."

     I shut up instantly. He was joking, of course. That didn't help my sudden urge to jump out of the moving vehicle though.

     "You'll see when we get there." Kyle responded. "It'll be easier for you to understand."

     I instantly regretted asking. All of their answers just left me with more questions. I shrugged and went back to my staring out at the window at the bland scenery.

     A couple of hours later we arrived in a small city. A couple of small shops and motels were grouped together. Besides that, the rest of the city was full of houses and farmland. I glanced around uncomfortably. "Where are we?"

     "Some town. We're just stopping here to pick up a few items. Jared needs snacks." Kyle rolled his eyes and punched Jared's shoulder.

     Jared grinned and got out of the truck. I refused to be stuck here in the truck for too long, so I got out and wandered around until I eventually ended up in the grocery store, a bell rang as I entered the store, probably so no one could sneak in and out of here unnoticed. Everything in this tiny shop was so limited. There were only 4 aisles in the store. Outside, they had displays full of fruit. It made sense since this city obviously received most of its food from the farmers that surrounded the city. The front doorbell rang.

     "Hey Derek. I'm here to drop off some more produce for my dad." A flirty voice came from the front. I peeked curiously over the shelf at the new voice.

     A tall blonde girl was holding a large crate of produce. She stood tall and proud, flaunting her figure to whoever would appreciate it. She glanced in my direction, and I instantly noticed her glassy, lifeless eyes.

     A vampire. Figures. Vampires were creatures that lured their prey with their beauty and charm. Thankfully they evolved, learning to feed from humans without turning them or killing them, hence, less vampire pests. Unfortunately, now they fed more often, giving them a lack of self control. I rolled my eyes and went back to what I was doing.

      Ignoring me, she flipped her hair towards the cashier named Derek and whispered in his ear. He was falling for her charm without hesitation.

     An idea instantly presented itself in front of me. Sometimes dragon transformations were trigger under stress, or in dangerous situations. I grabbed a can of bug spray from the shelf in front of me and headed towards the cash register, making myself known and interrupting the vampires meal.

     "Excuse me!" I waved the can over my head and snacked it down loudly onto the counter.

     He blushed and pulled away from the hungry vamp. I gave him the money whipped opened the can and started spraying myself all over. "Gotta hate these pesky bloodsuckers." I said smugly.

      "What did you say??" Her eyes flicked a fiery red for a moment, before returning to normal. She glared me down, probably sizing me up, trying to intimidate me. Vampires always had terrible tempers. Always trying to put humans in their place. Good thing I'm not human.

      "I. Hate. Bloodsuckers." I stared directly into her eyes, and smiled. She knew exactly what I meant.

     "I hate mosquitos too." Derek put in and I chuckled.

    Ignoring him, she flashed her fangs and pounced towards me. So I waited.

     But no transformation.


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