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     I glared at the sunlight that shone directly at me though the window.  

     I need to get some curtains or something. I thought to my self as I turned and pulled the covers over my head.  

     As I grabbed the blanket, my hand brushed against something...smooth? Smooth and bumpy. I peeked over the covers and began trying to move whatever was intruding my bed space and get it off of me.  

     Whatever this thing was, it was heavy. I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. That is when I noticed the bed that was adjacent to mine. A detail that I had missed in the darkness last night. Inside of that tiny little bed, part of a huge, black, snake-like creature lay all curled up. That was only part of it. The rest of it was draped across the floor and inside my bed. Right next to me.  

     Half of me admired, half of me freaked the hell out.  

     I maneuvered myself around the portion of the beast that lay on my bed. As I slid out of bed I made an attempt to be as quiet as possible, watching every step I took to make sure I didn't trample anything...alive. I steered my way across the room cautiously, calculating each step, my eyes on my feet the entire time. I just wished I had watched where I was walking as I slammed my forehead into the door.  

     I stopped what I was doing and clutched my head with my hands. Did I really just do that? I thought to myself in disbelief as I rubbed my aching forehead.  

     That's when I heard the slithering as the creature behind me began to shift and move. I heard the all too familiar low sounds of crackling bones and popping joints. Whatever was behind me, was transforming to a human.  

     I rushed out the door immediately into an unfamiliar hallway. Whoever was in there, I would meet later when I was ready. Hopefully they hadn't seen my recent encounter with the doorknob. That would be embarrassing. 

     I glanced around at my surroundings and realized I had no idea where I was. An opened window let a cool breeze flow through the hallway. I pulled back the curtains and observed the scenery. It was stunning.  

     A large open field stretched towards the horizon and towards a mountainside, a forest could be seen off to the either side. The mountains had visible snowcaps, and little dots flying around through the sky. I squinted my eyes and smiled at the realization that those dots were, in fact, dragons. Some of them were heading this way. I stuck my head out the window and looked down and gasped in shock. The building itself was 6 stories high, me being on the 4th floor. But beyond that, the building was on a cliffside. A lake was placed directly below us against the cliff. I felt myself squeal in anxiety. I backed out of the window and regained my composure. How the hell did I not see how huge this building was last night? 

     "Where the hell am I?" I mumbled to myself, and began wandering through the corridors, hoping to find my way through this maze of a building, being guided by the distant smell of pancakes.  

     I wandered through the hallways, eventually spotting a set of elevators against a wall. I pressed the upwards button and waited.  

     The silver doors slowly revealed a stunning view, as the elevator walls, ceiling and floor were made of glass. Looking down, I got a better view of the sheer cliffside that this place was built upon. I pressed my face up against the glass, taking in the beauty as the elevator doors shut behind me.


     The smell of sizzling bacon filled the kitchen as I leaned up against kitchen counter, waiting for my breakfast to cook. The smell would soon draw the entire household of carnivores from their sleeping places and into the kitchen in no time, so I had to get an early start.  

     This house was full of dragons. It was a place for us to live and congregate together. This was a place our people could find sanctuary, and release their full potential. The attendance had grown immensely since the last time I stayed here 20 years ago. A record book always was kept on top of the fridge, showing a list of names of residents. I studied the names on the list, new and old ones. 

     "Ooh what smells good?" A tired Melanie wandered into the kitchen. She stood taller than the last time I was here. Her black hair had grown a little longer, but her big brown eyes held the same innocence. She rubbed them sleepily.  

     "Hey Melly." I teased with her nickname.  

     "Jared?" Her eyes lit up when she realized who I was. "You're back!"  

     I was nearly tackled to the ground as Melly gave me a great big hug. This child was like a sister to me. Well, everyone here is like family to me, but I've always been closer to her.  

     "I'm so happy you're back!" Her smile was grew wide across her face.  

     I laughed and gave her a pat on the head. "Thanks, I'm happy to be back." I let out a relieved sigh.  

     She nodded. "Hey, who was in my room last night?" Melanie questioned as she climbed up onto a nearby barstool and began to spin around. "I woke up this morning to a clumsy lady in one of my beds."

     "That's....weird. I'll have to check that out." I responded as I read the record book, paying more attention to it, my grumbling stomach and my bacon. "So how have you been? Any boys?" I smiled as her face turned bright red.  

     "No!" She pouted defensively. Then finally admitting, "Well...I don't know. Maybe."  

     "Oh really! Who is thi-?"

      I was interrupted as a couple familiar faces entered the room.  "Heey!"

     "Hey Ashley! And Ethan!" Melanie waved towards the two.  

     Ethan rustled her hair as he walked around the bar into the bright kitchen. "Hey Jared. Glad to see you back. Home." He gave me a playful punch.  

     Ashley grabbed a slice of bacon and waved to me. "Nice seeing you, but we have runs to make, come on Ethan."

     I watched them as they rushed out the door and shifted into their beastly form before taking off into the sky. I was reminded of my old life, before I was asked to leave to search for lost dragons.  

     Speaking of lost dragons, I turned the stove off and began munching on my breakfast. I should check up on Charlie.  

     "Where is she?"

     I looked up to see Kyle, a worried expression on his face.


     I wandered through the hallways, not having any clue where I was. I had run into a couple of people before, but now, I was surrounded by an eerie silence. I had spent at least 20 minutes walking around becoming more and more lost until I finally approached a dead end. Well, a dead end with a door stood at the end of the hallway. Curiosity got the better of me.  

     This is creepy, just like in the horror movies....Maybe I shouldn't open it.. I thought to myself, and then proceeded to shrug it off. If I get into trouble I can just say I was lost. Which was true.  

     But as I reached for the handle, the door swung open. I was greeted by a tall gentleman. His brown eyes studied me curiously and I felt a strange connection to him. It was weird, and I felt quite embarrassed, causing me to stumble on my words. 

      "Who are you?" I questioned without thinking. 

     "This house belongs to me, who are you?" 

      Oh shit. 

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