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About 2 hours later I heard footsteps again and I expected one of the nastier boys to come in but it was just Nathan

"Hi Courtney"


"Do you mind if I clean you up again the boys went food shopping"

"o-ok" I said just above a whisper still not fully trusting Nathan

Nathan wiped my face and done my wrists and ankles and put the stingy stuff all over it again causing me to again hiss and cry in pain

"Are you hungry?"

I nodded as I was starving 

"You haven't eaten in 3 days you must be starving"

"3 days already?"

"Yeah, I will go get you some food"

"Ok thanks"

2 minutes later Nathan came back with two slices of pizza a packet of crisps and a pop tart then he also had some Pepsi as well

"Here don't tell the boys I gave you this if they ask tell them I gave you a slice of toast and a glass of water"

"Ok thanks"

I then realized that I couldn't eat cause my hands were still tied.

"Err Nathan how am I meant to eat"

"Oh yeah haha hang on a sec"

He then untied my arms and then he said

"Wait before you eat send a tweet out saying your not gonna have Internet for a while as people are starting to worry"

"Oh okay"

He gave me his phone and I logged in and tweeted

Hey Guys I'm not gonna be on for a while as I won't have Internet! Noooooo! But I love you guys and I will talk to you all soon! X

"Can I please send a Dm to someone"

"Yeah sure"

I Dm'ed Niall saying thank you for being an amazing idol and telling him he was perfect and that I love him

"Who did you Dm?"


"You better get eating" Nathan said nodding

I ate the food really quickly as I was starving and then I drunk the juice It felt so good to finally have something in my stomach

"Wow haha" Nathan chuckled

I just blushed, not because I like him, I don't.

"Do you need the toilet?"

I again nodded like usual

He took me to the toilet and then asked if I wanted to listen to some music

And of course I said yes

"What type?"

I shrugged not really minding

"One direction" Nathan said while laughing

Nathan put music on an we listened to it until he got a text saying the boys were almost home so he shut away the sound system and said bye to me then left but he came back 5 minutes later

and then he re attached me to the chair

"Have u started your period?"

"Err... Yeah" I answered quite awkwardly

"When are you due it"

"The 26th why?"

"Cause I need to know when to get you stuff"

"Oh okay thanks" I said as red as a tomato

With that Nathan walked away

KIDNAPPED BY MY IDOLS ENEMYWhere stories live. Discover now