New "room mate"

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"Hey runt we have a present for you" Tom said waking me up

"Huh?" I said just waking up

"We have a present for you" he repeated but really sinisterly

I started crying scared of what was to come

"Aww that's a shame she is crying" he replied sarcastically

"Max bring him in" Tom shouted

"Yup just coming this one is just as bad as the other one"

I heard shuffling of feet and trainers screeching across the floor and a muffled voice then I heard Max shouting

"Shut the hell up" which was then followed by a Loud slap noise and a slight whimper

Tom walked out the room then someone was thrown in by max and a gag was removed from the person then the door was locked again

"Hello" I said

"Hi where are you?" a male said that then made me realize he was blindfolded and I also realized he was Irish and he sounded quite young

"Look to your left a bit"

"Ok, wait if I come over can you use your fingers to remove this thing"

"I can try" I said

I heard shuffling then some soft hair against my hand and I felt hair and I looked down and it was a bottle blond.

It couldn't be.

I managed to take of the blindfold and be looked round at me and what I thought was right.

The wanted had just taken Niall Horan hostage

"are you ok?" He asked

"Ehh y-yes are you?" I replied trying not to stutter

"I think so and you look really hurt"

"It's fine" I sighed

"So Courtney how long have you been here?"

"4 days I think and you actually remembered my name?" I asked really surprised as I'm nothing special so why would he remember me

"I am so sorry and yeah plus you are special for one your pretty and two you seem like you have a lovely personality from your tweets plus you are a really dedicated directioner and always bring people up when they are down for example when I was down I would always find a message from you asking how I was or even showing an interest in me"

Oh crap I must've said that aloud

"why are you sorry?"

"Cause if you weren't a directioner then you wouldn't be here"

"its not your fault and anyway I am a crazy mofo" I laughed for the first time in ages

"aww you're cute" he cooed which caused me to blush and him to laugh

 Our laughter was broke by someone coming through the door.

KIDNAPPED BY MY IDOLS ENEMYWhere stories live. Discover now