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       Zoey Grassi is the name. You may have seen it sprawled across the bathroom stalls, because literally no one likes me. Well, except for my two best friends, Isabelle and Aiden. Isabelle does not talk to me at school, though, because she is afraid of "losing her rep as being the most popular girl in school". And, Aiden does not go to my school, but he knows everything about me and I know everything about him. It is the first day of senior year and I expect it to be just as bad as the year before. Only maybe this year, I will get a full ride out of this dumb town.

      A text shows up on my phone from the one and only Isabelle, breaking me from my thoughts on this extremely shaky
bus. It reads, "OMG❤️You will not believe what just happened to me. LUCAS ASKED ME OUT!!!!!!" I turn off my phone and decide not to reply. Lucas is the quarterback of our school's football team, A.K.A. The most popular guy in school. It was only logical that Lucas and Isabelle would get together. Head cheerleaders and quarterbacks go hand in hand. But I'm not upset about the balance of nature right now, I'm upset because Isabelle knows darn well that I have had a crush on Lucas since Sophomore year. "Oh, sweetie, don't be silly. That would just never work out. I wouldn't get your hopes up darling." Isabelle would say. As far as I know now, she was just trying to keep me away from him.
        "Uh, are you leaving or not?" A boy with his hair pushed back says, trying to let me out of my seat. "Oh, yes, thank you-" "Jake, and you're Zoey, right?" He finishes. "Uh, yeah, how did you know that?" I ask, honestly conflicted. "Uh, my brain likes to make it where I remember everyone one's name. It's a blessing, because I never forget, but then a curse, because people begin to think I am creepy and stalking them or something. They wish." He says. I laugh and he smiles. "Uh- so what period do you have lunch?" He asks, trying to be nice. "Uh, 4th, I think," "Great, you will sit with me then!" He says excitedly. He then departs from me. Okay then. Off to first period, but not before someone comes crashing into me. Great, this is a sign from God that this is going to be a terrible day. "Watch where you're going, why don't you?!" A familiar voice shouts. He goes to stand up, but I cannot. "Oh, sorry, Zoey, I did not know it was you. Let me help you up." The familiar voice continues. I look up into the voices eyes, and see just the person I do not want to see. Lucas.

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