~Chapter 10~

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I woke up the next morning feeling restless. I sat up and I scratched my head and I hopped off the bed and I walked to the bathroom washing my fast and brushing my teeth. I already felt refreshed. I walked out the bed room and I noticed that Layla wasnt in the bed and then i checked my phone. There was a message from her saying she went for a run with Randy. I smiled and I texted her back saying: You go girl;). I laughed and I set my phone down on the nightstand and I went to my bag and I changed my clothes. I put on nlack sweat pants, a purple tshirt with the batman logo on it. I put on my glasses and I put my hair in a messy bun. I put my phone and Key card in my pocket and I walked to the door. When i opened the door i see a bouquet oof roses at the foor of my door. I arched my eyebrow and I picked it up. I read the tag and it said. "Meet me at the diner I have to say something to you...-SR- i groaned and rolled my eyes knowing who its from. I walked back inside the room and i put the flowers in the room and then I go to the stairs. I decided to take my time going down the stairs. I was in no rush to get to the diner. Once i got down the stairs I walked outside to the diner. When i reached the diner I see Seth sitting down in a booth. He smirks at me as I walk in and he gestures me to sit down. I huffed and I walked over and I sat across from him and I crossed my arms. He smirked at me. "Whats the matter princess mad that Deany Boy didnt invite you...you wish it was him dont you." I glared at him and I shook my head and I rolled my eyes. "No now what do you want Seth" He smiles at me deviously. Now I really wonder what he had up his sleeve. I looked at him curiously. He leaned forward and he ran his hand through my hair and I smacked his hand away. "I want you to be my girlfriend" I looked at him in disbelief. "Are you serious? .. Hell no I will not be your girlfriend!" I get up instantly and I leave. He grabs my hand and he sits me back down. He tightened his grip on me and I winced."Seth get off me!!" I used my other hand and I smacked him in the face and I ran out the diner feeling scared as ever.I called Layla and telling her to meet me at the hotel room. I looked back and he was coming after me. I forgot to hang up and I screamed and I bumped into something hard and I fell back. I looked up and it was Dean. I was scared even more. Seth came up behind me and I backed away. He grabbed my arm and he pulled me up close to him and he put his arm around me and he kissed my cheek."Well hello there Deany boy i'd like you to meet my new girlfriend AJ." I looked up at him and I tried to pull away."Do it or I will hurt everyone you care about" he whispered in my ear. I looked at Dean and I pulled on a smile as strong as I could. Seth slid his hand down my back and he grabbed my butt. I tensed up. Dean just stood there silent."Now excuse me AJ and I have some business to take care of." He dragged me along and I looked back at Dean. All I could see was hurt in his eyes as he looked back at us. I had to do it I couldn't let him hurt the ones I care about especially Dean. I know he is way more than capable of doing that and I can't let him hurt my best friends. Where my mind denies it or not my heart knew that I will always care for Dean. Seth dragged me off to his car and he shoved me to the car and he kissed me. His hands rested on my sides and he pulled away. "Now go to your hotel room " he ordered me. I rolled my eyes and walked away. He grabbed my arm and he pulled me back."If you tell anyone about this you know what happens" I nodded and I turned around again and started walking. He smacked my butt as I walked away and I glared at him. He just winked at me. I ran back to the hotel and I took out my phone and noticed I was still calling Layla. Hopefully she heard what's going on. I pressed up the hang up button. I ran into the hotel room crying. Layla was there and she dropped her phone and she hugged me tightly." Layla I can't do this ...I have to.. I don't want people I care about to get hurt!!" I said crying. She just rubbed my back while I cried. My phone went off and I wiped my tears. Seth texted me and I rolled my eyes. The text said: Dont worry I won't hurt your precious Dean..but I could be oh so quick to turn on him and Roman and I could hurt them just like that...you have no idea what I'm capable of AJ;) bye now. I showed the text to Layla and I cried more and I fell to the floor crying."Why does it have to be me!" I hugged my knees and rocked a bit and Layla just held me. I have never felt to scared in my life. I heard banging on the door. Layla got up and she looked and me and then through the peep hole."It's Dean" she said looking at me. I sat there shaking.

(Now Two Tones Wants A Part Of The Action)

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