-Chapter 23-

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After a while I started crying while I was watching the movie. I wasn't crying because of the movie I was because of what transpired between me and him at the club. I knew he didn't mean it because he was drunk. I just didn't want to be near him right now though. I sat up on the bed hugging my knees watching the movie. I wiped my eyes. They felt like they were on fire. I sighed as I heard the door open. Layla walked in and Roman trailed behind while carrying Dean over his shoulders.

Layla walked over to me and she hugged me. "You alright.. I saw what happened ..I was gonna come over but you already left.." I looked at her and nodded. "Ill be fine.." I said as she hugged me. Roman laid Dean on the couch. "He passed out at the club.." He said shaking his head. I just shrugged."Where's Seth and Dolph?"I asked. Layla chuckled and she looked at me. "The twins are still at the club they said they were leaving soon .. They dancing giving a show!" I chuckled and she sat on her bed. Roman sat down next to her and and he kissed her cheek. She blushed and I just giggled and I continued to watch the movies. Then Roman stood in front of the tv to take off his shirt. "Oh my god Roman move!!! You're going to make me miss my favorite part!!!" I exclaimed. He chuckled and he moved away and he went to lay down next to Layla. I chuckled as they were cuddling and kissing and Roman pulled the sheets over them.

I sighed happily and then I looked at Dean and then I frowned a bit. I sighed and then I looked at the movie and it was ending. I just shut the tv off and I sat there in the dark. I glanced over at the couch and I noticed Dean large figure laying on the couch. I heard Layla and Roman making out and it made me chuckle. I grabbed the comforter off the bed and I walked silent over to Dean. I slowly crawled on top of him. I was pissed at him still but I didn't want to sleep alone. I knew it wouldn't feel right. I laid on his chest and I pulled the comforter over us. I just laid my head on his chest and I closed my eyes. I felt him shift and I heard him groan and he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled weakly and I fell asleep.

I woke up the morning. I was smelling pancakes,eggs , and I thought it was bacon. I stirred and I sat up. I realized Dean wasn't there. I sighed and I sat up scratching my head. I looked around the room and I saw that Layla and Roman were sleeping. I turned around and I see Dean standing in front of a cart. I jumped and I just looked at him. He looked at me and he gave me a weak smile. "I'm sorry about last night ...it was uncalled for and so out of hand... I shouldn't have said what I said ..I didn't mean it..." He said to me. I nodded. "It's ok ...you were drunk.." He shook his head. "No it's not ok seeing that expression on your face it killed me last night..." He sat down next to me." Please AJ don't leave me ...I'm so sorry.." He looked at me like he was about to cry. I pulled him into a hug tightly. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "I would never leave you Dean..." I promised him and I kissed his forehead. He gave me a weak smile and he sat up. He pulled the cart in front of us. On the cart it had four trays. He opened up two. I was thinking that the other two were for Roman and Layla. He opened them up and it pancakes,eggs,and bacon. Just like I suspected. I looked at Dean and I smiled. "You didn't have to do this you know" he looked at me and smiled. "I want to... Today's our day off and I have a whole day planned for you and me... It's like a day for forgiveness." He smiled at me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "But I already forgiven you" I said smiling. He looked at me weirdly."Lets just have fun today okay?" He said. I smiled and nodded.

    Dean and I started eating our breakfast. I glanced at Dean and he was eating like an animal. I finshed my eggs and bacon so I was still eating pancakes. But just looking at Dean he is ridiculous when it comes to eat. I swatted him on the back of the head. "Slow down!" I said shaking my head. Boys are such animals when it comes to eating. I chuckled at me and he looked at me with wide yes. I started lauhging at his face. He looked like a chipmunk. His cheeks were stuffed with food. I poked his cheeks and he jerked his back and I reached over for my phone. "What are you doing?" he asked with food still in his mouth. zi took picutres of him and he made a strange noise and he turned his head. I giggled and I put my phone down and I finished off my pancakes. Of course Dean would finish before me. I laughed and we leaned back patting our tummies. "You know you're an animal when it come to eating?" I said looking at him. He looked at me and chuckled. "Ehh..I know..im not going to lie" He said laughing. He leaned in and he kissed me. I smiled and I  crossed my arms and I laid in his lap. He rubbed my sides and I relaxed.

    "Hehe so what else do you have planned today?" I asked. "Welll thats for me to know and for you to find out" He said chuckling. I shrugged and I closed my eyes and his hand rested on my stomach. I felt like I really loved him. If i didnt care about I would have been broke up with him after last night.  I then started to feel weird. I broke up with Seth because he manipulated me and he hurt me and messed up my matches. Dean was like that too. He hurt me and messed up matches. They both did it to get close to me. But Seth did it to get at Dean and Dean just did it to get me. I couldnt be with Seth because Dean was the one for me and I knew it. I then started smiling. I know this relationship is going to have its ups and downs but im ready for it all.

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