He's Not Afraid (Larry Stylinson) Part 2

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Part 2.

"I love you too, Harry." Louis murmured the words under his breath. Did he mean the words he was saying? Did he really love Harry? Did he wanna spend eternity with the boy? Is all the drama and the rumors worth it? Is it worth fighting with management every day, trying to come out of the dark little closet they were in? Louis knew the answer to all of the questions running through his head. The answer was Yes. He loved Harry. He wanted to spend eternity with him. The drama and the rumors are worth it. Fighting with management was worth it. He was doing this all for the boy he loved. Louis knew he couldn't live without Harry. Harry was his entire life, apart from the band and the fans. 

"Something wrong, baby?" Harry looked at Louis, his concern for him growing.

Louis awoke from his momentary daze, and looked up at Harry, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just zoned out. But Harry.. I'm tired of being afraid. I wanna come out. Out of this closet. I want to show the world how much I love you. I want everybody to know that I, Louis William Tomlinson, am in love with Harry Edward Styles. Come on Harry, don't you wanna show the world? Don't you wanna show them that gay is okay? We need to stand up for what we believe in. We need to fight for our love."

Harry was amazed. Louis had always been afraid of showing the world who they really were and now all of a sudden he's saying the words Harry has always wanted to hear. Harry instantly hugged him, kissing him continually. "Baby! I never thought you'd say this. I can't believe you're finally ready to come out! Come on, we gotta go talk to management. I mean, we already know they won't let us come out, but first we can start by shaving off that beard! Erm.. I mean.. We can start by having you break up with Eleanor. Yeah.. That's what I meant. Hehe."

"Harold Edward Styles I cannot believe you just said that! But I mean, you are right. I'll call her now. And then I'll call management and tell them I'll no longer be seeing Eleanor. They won't like it but, hey, I have enough money to buy their entire company. What are they gonna do, fire me? No. Because then they'd lose billions of dollars from millions of directioners. It's awful that all they care about is the money, while us five care about the fans. Sure, the money is nice, but that's not why I'm in this band. I'm in this band to save lives. Real bands save fans. Real fans save bands. Alright, now let me call El."

Louis called Eleanor and they had a long conversation. Harry could hear her crying on the other end. A small part of him felt bad for her, but the other part knew that this is what Louis had to do. This was the first step to breaking free from this closet management had locked them in. They would break free. They would stop being afraid of the judgemental people living in this hateful world. They wanted to be the faces of the Gay Rights Movement. If they came out of the closet, soon other celebrities would as well. They wanted to be more than 2/5 of the biggest boy band in the world. They wanted to make a difference in the gay community and that's what they were going to do. Nobody could stop them now.

Louis hung up the phone with Eleanor. "She didn't handle it well. Poor thing didn't even know it was all a scam. She was really in love with me but she had no idea that i was acting. She didn't even know I was pretending to be happy while I was around her. You know, Harry, every time I was with her I was thinking of you. And whenever she would force me to hug her or hold her hand, I always pretended it was you."

Harry hugged Louis tightly, never wanting to let go of him. "Baby.. I think we should come out at the concert tomorrow. We should just stop in the middle of 'They Don't Know About Us' and tell them. Tell the fans. It's what needs to be done." Louis just gasped. He couldn't even imagine what the fans would do if they announced they were madly in love with each other at one of the concerts. At the same time, Louis knew it was a great idea and he was going to go along with it. 

--------------------------------------TIME SKIP-----------------------------------------

 They walked onto the stage. All five them walked on hand-in-hand. Louis and Harry had told the other three boys about the plan last night and they were all there to support two of their best friends in this long, rough journey. Louis squeezed his partner's hand, his heart racing in his chest as the moment they would reveal the secret they'd been hiding for three years drew closer and closer. The music to 'They Don't Know About Us' started to play. Harry turned his head to Louis. The other three boys looked at them as the two stepped forward to the edge of the stage and yelled, "Stop the music!". The music stopped and the fans stared up at the stage, wondering what was going on. Harry and Louis could hear them whispering things like "It's happening" and things like "They're coming out!". The fans knew. They were right.

"Louis, would you liken to do the honors?" Louis smiled, and nodded.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson. I'm in love with Harry Styles, and my girlfriend isn't real. I've been in love with this little curly-haired-weirdo for three years now, ever since we met on The X-Factor. If you don't like that..well.. That's too bad because we're madly in love." About 40 or 50 people got up and left. Elounor shippers. Nobody needs them anyway.

 "And I'm Harry Styles. I'm in love with Louis Tomlinson and nothing can ever change that. He the love of my life. And, well. Since we're coming out i might as well do something else." Harry knelt onto one of his knees. taking Louis' hand in his as he whispered the words into the microphone, "Will you marry me, Louis?" Louis replied with a "Yes."

At that moment management came onto the stage, pulling Louis and Harry away. Fans screamed. They tried to get onto the stage. It was no use. The other three boys ran back stage, trying to pull management off of Harry and Louis. It was no use, once again. They were too far gone. They were in management's hand. Who knew what they would do to the star-crossed lovers? Remove them from the band? Tell the fans it was a joke? ..Torture them?

Part 2. To be continued into part 3.

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