The transfermation

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".....I can't believe I trusted him!" Helga responded to the doctor's warning quite rude and defensively as usual, but on the inside she was heart broken. Arnold, her one true love, had played an april fools prank on her that had hurt her physically by causing her blindness that had thankfully been curried. Unfortunately, the fact the angel who had saved her time and time again, could hurt her so badly and the worst part was that it was her fault for playing so many undeserved aprils fools pranks on him! She felt horrible and feared one of her worst fears would come true,you see, before the other kids realized she was blind she could hear all the kids laughing at her foolishness, and her fear was that Arnold laughed along with them.

Thinking this made her expression change with out her realizing it she walked out without her usual "wall" up. She was looking at the ground a frown of her face no one had ever seen her be genuinely distraught, but no one but Arnold and Phoebe really noticed. Helga knew what ever one was thinking, " I can see you all staring" she said so they would know she was fine and trying to get the other kids to get out of her face. She tried to sound mean but it didn't work, still the other kids were satisfied and walked way. When ever one was gone Helga looked up at Arnold who shared her expression of sadness he never meant to hurt her and seeing her like that, meant he had, badly.

"Helga, I-" Arnold tried to say something to her but Phoebe grabbed her and took her to the girls bathroom before he could. He didn't want to ease drop so he went to class clueless of what just happened and how to fix it.

"Helga! you got to pull yourself together" Phoebe screamed at her,"Your being sad and showing your vulnerability,do you want that! Rumors will go around,Helga!". Helga didn't respond or even look up, her bangs covered her eyes but Phoebe saw a tear roll down her cheek and onto the floor. Phoebe felt bad for Helga seeing her friend like this made so angry, but she had to be here for her friend right now. "It's okay, Helga", thats all it took, Helga fell to her knees and starting sobbing "It's MY fault! I picked on him! I took it to far! I broke him! He doesn't care anymore!" she was hysterical and kept sobbing and screaming, luckily the bathrooms wall were thick enough for her to not be heard, Phoebe had checked in case of emergencies.

When she finally stopped talking and her sobbing slowed down Phoebe started again," let's clean you up it's almost time for recess,you should go". Helga didn't want to go but she knew if she didn't soon, rumors would spread and she did not need that right now. She talked again, with a lot of cracks in her voice,"Okay, Phoebe, your right, I look horrid" she looked in the mirror and saw a puffy eyed version of herself in the mirror and was disgusted. She wiped her face with a paper towel and tried to calm her nerves so she could stop shaking. She looked again it was an improvement but looking at her bow and the out line of her locket under her dress and felt her self tear up again."umm... I'm almost done Phoebe you go ahead I'll catch up, and save me a spot on the swings will 'ya?" said, trying to sound normal so Phoebe would leave. It was enough, "saving" she said with a smile.

Once Phoebe was out the door, Helga began her transformation. She ripped off the pink bow and took out a brush and started till in was down and had a bit of a wave to it the she took out her locket and not knowing what to do with it took it and her bow and walked to her locker shoved the objects of affections in her locker for the time being. Next step was going to be the hardest,hopefully no one would really notice she walked into the playground looked up and all eyes were on her some were stunned at how different she looked, others had different opinions. Phoebe knew what this meant and was very upset with herself for this, Arnold saw the new look and was aw struck by what he did, and Rhonda was the only one happy about this she thought getting rid of that awful big bow and putting her hair down was a major improvement.

Rhonda,being the only one to move, walked towards Helga hopefully her new fashion victim and she had to admit that Helga had some potential. "Hay Helga, love the new look" even though Helga was totally out of it she still despised Rhonda Lloyd, miss up tight fashion queen who thought she was better than ever one else so she didn't give in. "What do you want?" Helga said coldly but Rhonda kept her grin, "well I love that you decided to change your style but I think-" she was interrupted "oh no! I'm not a doll, I am Helga G. Pataki and I am not some girly girl who wants fashion tips from you, especially right after their hear-"she was stopped again by Phoebe who had covered her hand over her mouth before she could say heart broken.

Rhonda raised and eyebrow and walked away "the offer stands" she walked away and everyone is still watching especially Arnold who's eyes were huge with curiosity about what she was going to say. Phoebe thought back to hall monitor days and decided to be strong since Helga wasn't up to the

task,"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!" the kids turned away and got back to their own lives.Phoebe looked at her friend who now looked really angry "criminey! I can't believe I almost said that what's wrong with me?!". Phoebe thought about what she was about to say and realized Helga was breaking and the only one who could help was Arnold even though Phoebe wanted to smack him upside the head. Phoebe responded "Helga let's go", she and her walked to the swings and Helga just thought some more and was looked down again and this time she couldn't cry to her Arnold locket.

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