The Mall

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The rest of the day was spent thinking, when ever she went somewhere she just followed Phoebe since her mind was too clogged to navigate to her next class. Soon the day ended and she didn't know what to do or where to go, she couldn't deal with parents right now. Then she noticed Rhonda walking out of the building and gave a defeated sigh and walked over."well,well if it isn't miss Helga G Pata-"Helga grabbed Rhonda's arm and pulled her away"c'mon before I change my mind!".

Arnold walked into his house ,miserable,he walked in the kitchen were his gram pa was busy looking through the old box he should his grandson this morning trying to make a good prank for Oskar when he noticed Arnold"Hay,shortman! How was the prank?Was it a hit?" gram pa said with a bit of kick,"No gram pa, it wasn't Helga went blind and thank goodness she was heeled but then she started acting weird she changed her look ,disappeared into the girls bathroom with Phoebe for 2 class periods and the strange thing is she has never acted like this, I just, I don't know! . Gram pa started to laugh"jeez Arnold! I asked if it was good not about your life's story, or about her life story" he slowed down on laughing and a grin appeared on his face"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were really worried about this one particular girl.", Arnold barely had time to think he just said" I am!" then he blushed a little, that came out wrong. "I mean, I did this to her and it's not right to just ignore it" that sounded better "okay shortman" Gram pa said not believing it, because he knew Arnold and he knew that he doesn't get this worked up over just anyone even if he won't admit it.

"So,why don't you go apologize to her" Gram pa said now trying to help,"I don't think she wants to talk to me right now" Arnold said sadly. "I really don't know what to say shortman thats what I got". Arnold was helpless and didn't know what to do I guess I really hurt her, I feel horrible I can't let her go, she can't change, what is this feeling! He kept thinking until he was interrupted by a knock on the door ,"I got it!" Arnold yelled and walked to the door. He was surprised to see his super smart classmate and Helga's best friend,Phoebe Heyerdahl on his stoop with a rather upset look on her face."Hey Phoebe what are you do-" he tried to ask but was interrupted by a hard a slap and a shaky and stern voice"I am very sorry Arnold but unfortunately recent events that have been caused by you has got me very perplexed and I find that even though it is not the best way to express my anger I-I just c-can't..Stand it!" she tried to hit him a gain but Arnold dodged it"Phoebe what is going on!" Phoebe stopped "you blinded her!HURT HER!YOU!ARNOLD! You hurt her!".

Phoebe was breathing hard she had gotten most of her anger out,"listen, Helga went with Rhonda to the mall and I don't know what to do so it's your choice but if you care about her in any way please help her" Phoebe walked away and Arnold was already grabbing his coat, "Gram pa I am going out!"he yelled he could hear his gram pa snicker and yell back,"Okay, shortman! Be careful!". Arnold really didn't care his mind was filled with so many thought he got on the bus and sat down. "hey,man. What are you doing here?" said a familiar voice, Arnold looked up and saw his friend Gerald. "I could ask you the same thing"Arnold responded as Gerald sat down,"Headed to the mall, heard Rhonda found a new fashion victim and I want to know who". Arnold looked down now he was even more worried,"It's Helga".

Gerald looked confused," Whats Helga?" Arnold was a ticked off by that ,Gerald was at recess, does he not think Helga can do something like that? "Rhonda's new fashion victim, It's Helga". Gerald started laughing"dude,ha ha, you can't joke around like that, your killing me!" Arnold was angry,"It's true Gerald!". He stopped laughing"Okay Arnold I know you don't lie but I'll believe it when I see it".

There was a small moment of silence but then Gerald kept talking,"So,where are you going,you didn't tell me yet", Arnold could feel himself blush a bit. Gerald noticed and raised an eyebrow,"Lila?" he asked, it would make more sense but Lila was the last thing on his mind."No, I'm headed to the mall, something going on with Helga and ,well, Phoebe came over and she talked, or yelled and she also hit me"Arnold rubbed the back of his had thinking about how she hit him. He was having some trouble explaining he didn't no why he was so embarrassed to say he was going to help Helga. Gerald was very confused "Phoebe?Phoebe hit you?",Arnold nodded,"but I still don't know whats going on" he said. Arnold sighed,"I hurt Helga and I am going to help I don't know why she is so upset but I, well I..."he trailed off took a breathe and finished "I'm really worried about her".

"Arnold are you okay?"Gerald asked. That was a thinker Arnold had never really felt this way,"I think" he really didn't want to get into this. Luckily the bus pulled up to the mall,"c'mon man, I want see this,imagine, Helga in a dress!haha!"Gerald said going back to his normal self. Arnold couldn't but actually wonder how Helga would look and imagining it was kinda nice, then he started blushing.

"What about this one? It screams tough girl but has a bit of elegance to it ,too.What do you think" Rhonda asked holding up a dark blue t-shirt that had a collar made to look torn with a heart surrounding it to make it look like a broken heart."It would look divine with the skirt and jacket we got" she continued,and it would even though Rhonda was a pain she really knew people pretty well,everything she picked out was really Helga and she wasn't really having the worst time even though her wound was still hurting.

"okay,I'll try it on",Helga stepped into the dressing room and tried on the new outfit. She liked it,bought the shirt and black head band to go on top of her head to make up for her bow. Thinking of her bow made her think of Arnold and how he had hurt her because of her many regretful but also hurtful shenanigans and now her love......she couldn't even think of it! She immediately headed to the bathroom to change and went to the next shop with Rhonda who was turning out to be not the worst company in the world, I'd rather work with any one else on the planet the worlds from not so long ago came back. She had been hurt by those words,was she really that bad? She felt her stomach churn, I guess he really does hate me.

She looked at the ground again. "Are you okay?", Helga looked up, Rhonda noticed her expression and looked serious like she really was worried. Helga didn't respond so Rhonda kept going,"When I asked you to come I thought you would say no,even if you did the first time, I am still surprised you came. I know I am not your favorite person,the feeling is mutual, but I know this outside your comfort zone. So I was wondering, why was being blinded so,well,hurtful?". Helga was so surprised that Rhonda,of all people, would ask her that."Well......I,um" Helga tried to say something but nothing came out.

She looked up and looked at Rhonda and.... CRASH! As they rounded the corner Helga ran into some one."Sorry" the person said, it was a voice she knew all to well, she looked up to see a stunned Gerald looking at her and Arnold brushing himself off. Helga was frozen and when Arnold looked up so was he, he starred at her he had never seen Helga looked so good. They both starred, both blushed a little because of what she was wearing, Arnold was the first to move Helga was still frozen and frantically scared.

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