Big Bob

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He scooted a little closer to her,and but his hand on top of hers.She looked away from the moon and into Arnold's eyes a delicate smile on her face.They leaned against the back step just looking at each other as close as could be."Helga,this has been a really great night"he told her,"I agree completely"Helga said flirtatiously,she even let out a sigh.


Both kids jumped up and found Big Bob Pataki standing in the door way.

He starred at them,mostly Arnold,he looked confused but seemed to get more anger in his eyes the more he looked at them."B-bye"Helga said to Arnold but kept her eyes on Big Bob.She ran up the stoop past Bob but not before biefly stopping in front of Bob and giving a look that said nothing happened,please don't do something crazy. She ran up stairs,praying for Arnold's safety,luckily Bob didn't say anything just took hands and signaled that he had his eyes on Arnold.He walked behind the door and slammed it and Arnold ran to his boarding house.

He avoided Gram pa and the other borders,once he got to his room he fell on his bed and thought about Helga and fell asleep with happy thoughts.

Helga went up to her room and wrote everything she had thought of, before Bob had rudely disturbed her and Arnold's "good-bye".She wrote and wrote and swooned on her bed a dreamy expression on her face,she touched her lips where she and Arnold kissed.She was about to go to sleep.Then suddenly Bob walked in the door but just stood there,they both knew why he was there but Helga wanted to avoid it at all cost,her parents never took much interest in her and this is not where she wanted to start. She stashed the book under her pillow and Bob didn't notice just kept watching her and her watching him at the same time."You're awfully quiet tonight Bob,I can't tell whats wrong unless you say something"she finally said to him.

"Who?" he asked bluntly.

"Arnold"she answered and almost shuttered at his name but kept it in.


"Outing,I already explained I was going out with a friend"




"We're friends?"she gave him a look because he should have known this.

Bob looked her up and down and by the way she was dolled up he didn't believe her,but she answered the questions so he couldn't hold her up any more with out crossing the line.So,he walked out and Helga went to sleep and dreamt about Arnold.

Big Bob went down stairs and looked around.All around him were picture and trophies of Olga,and for the first time in awhile he want to see some pictures of Helga.Bob had recently noticed that Helga was changing and he wanted to be there for her,they had finally bonded a bit and he didn't want some boy or peers or anything to hurt that. He went to a closet filled with photos he didn't frame.Most of them were Olga with Helga but he soon found one with just her,when she was about 7,they were at the cheese festival and Bob caught her smiling when some kid from school waved at her.He had managed to catch the picture well so he took a picture of Olga at age fifteen,playing a piano at her school concert.He took out the picture and replaced it with Helga's. Once he got it in he noticed i the corner the kid waving at her.He always thought it was her little friend Francis,or Phoebe or whatever her name was,but the person waving had a football head it was that boy!

He started to wonder how long he and Helga had known each other of worse,how much they really liked each other. He took the picture out again and cut Arnold out of it.


sorry guys,I know this is not my best chapter but all books have a part you aren't that fond of hope you like the next chapter.Also sorry I haven't updated in a while.

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