It's Okay

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"Dade, what did you have me come all the way out here for?", Harvey asked.

It was pretty late and Dade had told Harvey to meet him in the forest by the lake.

Dade sighed. Seeing Harvey gave him that familiar feeling in his heart. That feeling he loved, but equally didn't understand.

"... I really don't know how to tell you this, but Harvey.... Harvey, I think I like you", Dade admitted.

"Dade..... I.... I like you, too. You're my best friend", Harvey said confused.

"No, I mean I love you, Harvey. You're all I think about! I wake up and wish you were next to me", Dade said, with tears starting to fill his eyes. "I know it's wrong, but I... I just wanted to tell you that..."

Dade got up and started to walk away.

"Dade wait!", Harvey called. Dade turned around, Harvey was immediately in front of him. Harvey leaned down and kissed Dade on the muzzle.

"I'm so happy", Harvey whispered.

"What do you mean?", Dade explained.

"Dade, I've felt the same way. I wanted to tell you but I just couldn't", Harvey smiled.

Dade, I don't care what anybody says. We'll be in this together.

Harvey, you're the best.

Best Friend (A Dade x Harvey)Where stories live. Discover now