Chapter Three: Awakening

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"What do you mean she's still on the Ark?" Abby asked as the doctor fiddled with his clipboard.
"Well, yes she is. The doctors thought it best that someone in her state would stay on the Ark. In case something happened." was the only thing he said. Abby seemed to intimidate him.
"Why, may I ask?" She asked as she tapped the table with her finger nail.
"Well, it's very difficult to wake someone from a coma like the one she's it would've taken her a few days for her to adjust" was all he said as he shook nervously.
"Wake her up now...she was meant to be on that ship" Abby said as she stood up, the doctor nodded then exited the room.


Abby sighed as she sat back down. She hadn't seen Asha since she was a baby, at the time Asha's mother needed help and was begging Abby to give Asha a life. That's when she asked Abby to send Asha to Earth. Abby agreed because she knew that the council would eventually decide to send someone down. So Abby agreed. She felt responsible for what happened to Asha, she knew that she deserved to go.

Gasping for air as she fell to her knees. Every muscle in her body was aching. Her arms trembled as the cold water surrounding her had become colder as it hit the ground. Her vision was blurry, like she was still in the water and she couldn't hear.

She took slow deep breathes. The air was like she remembered, fake. Even though Asha hadn't ever taken a breath of real fresh air, somehow her body knew it wasn't real.
Everything on her body hurt, her arms, legs, head. But it was nothing compared to the pain she felt pulsation from her back. Like she had a million needles injected into her at once.

Asha noticed once her vision was clearing, that the water that surrounded her was mixed with drops of black. A half black, and half red substance dripped from her nose. 
Asha's breathing slowed. She could hear a distant voice.
"Asha" a voice said. Lifting her head up, a women placed her hand on her shoulder.
Asha's arms started to buckle underneath her weight and instantly she the ground, being consumed by blackness.


A warm, unfamiliar feeling woke Asha up from her sleep. It was comfort, she hadn't felt it in so long that it felt strange to be comfortable. She looked around the dark room as she sat up, the blanket falling to her waist.
The room was dark and unfamiliar. It was a bedroom, photos lined the walls, a desk was set up on the other side of the room and the bed at the other end.

She looked around the dark room, noticing a small stream of light through the crack in the door.
Pulling the covers off herself, she placed her bare feet on the cold floor. Shivers shot up her legs as she stood up slowly. Pain shot up her legs and back.
She hadn't stood up properly in three and a half years.

For someone who was seventeen and a half, she felt as if she was sixty years old. Every bone in her body was aching, every muscle and tendon was sore.

Slowly walked to the door, peering  her head through the crack, Asha was greeted by warmth. A hot and bright warmth.
She slowly made her way out. The room was lit nicely, there was a couch lined with pillows, a carpet at the foot of the couch, and a small arm chair to the left of it. She looked to the desk where a women sat writing. She had brunette hair, and a somewhat slender form.

"Hello" Asha uttered hoping the lady had heard her. The woman turned around in surprise, then smiled.
"You're awake, how are you feeling?" the women greeted her with a warm smile as she approached Asha. She took a step back unsure if she could trust the women.
"Its okay, I won't hurt, sit" the lady gestured to the couch. Sitting down, her legs instantly feeling much better.
She let out a sigh.
"You must be wondering why you were woken up?" The lady said.
"Yes" Asha sounded unsure, she looked up at Abby who nodded.
"My names Abby Griffin, I'm apart of the council, the council your mother was on" Asha felt sadness hit her like a train,l, she hadn't even thought about her mother since, she tried blocking the pain away, half shaking the feeling off.

"You worked with my mother?" Curiosity consuming her sadness as she looked at Abby with confusion in her eyes.
"Yes, I am sorry about what happened" Abby knew it was a touchy subject, and she knew first hand what its like to lose someone she loved.
"Why did you wake me up?" She asked.
"I made a promise to're going to Earth Asha."


The next day, Asha ended up getting about ten needles in her left arm before she was clear to go. She seemed hesitant, like she was waiting for someone that wasn't going to come.
"Asha, it's time" Abby said once she put her hand on Asha's shoulder. Nodding before she walked away from the very spot she was at on her birthday.She felt odd, maybe it was the clothes she was wearing, or the fact that she was being sent down to Earth?

They walked down a long corridor that led into a circular room. There were suits for space walks, hatches that led to the active bombs, but Asha noticed one of the hatches had been opened and one of the missiles. She took a step back but Abby stopped her.
"It's okay, it's inactive...the engineers took the explosive parts out to make room for you" Abby reassured me as she lead Asha to the empty missile.
Councillor Jaha stood talking to the mechanic while Abby showed Asha what she had in her back pack.
A gun, knife, radio, some food, a flash light, a first aid kit, and a paper map.

"Now, remember, you must get to that camp before nightfall" Abby said snapping Asha out of her train of thought.
"Why before nightfall?" She asked, Abby seemed to get a little tense.
"Well, we don't know what's down there. Better to be safe then sorry." was all she said the assured Asha to the empty capsule. She crawled in, Abby knelt down next to the capsule.
"Tell my daughter that I am sorry" was all Abby said then stood up and stepped away from the capsule.
"Okay Asha, I've set this capsule up so that once it lands, the door will deploy, but in case it doesn't, there's an override switch here" the mechanic pointed to the switch that was above Asha's head.
"Any last words before you depart?" He asked, Asha looked over to Abby.
"Thank you" she said then lied down. She strapped herself in and the mechanic closed the capsules door. The airlock made a hissing sound before finally sealing itself. Asha dripped the belt as she knew she was about to depart.
So many thoughts ran through her mind as she waited, but there was only one that stood out from the rest.
'Is he there?'

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