Chapter Four: Earth

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A crowd gathered as they heard a thunderous boom emanate from the sky. Bellamy and Octavia pushed through the crowd till they could see what was going on.
"Maybe the ark sent supplies?" Octavia questioned as she stood next to her brother who was watching as the capsule broke threw the atmosphere.
'The guard' was all he could think. Ever since shooting Jaha, he's been on edge, trying to get as many people to take off their brackets so the Ark thinks they were dying, but it didn't work.
"We need to get a search party together, and get moving before the grounders get to that ship before we do!" Bellamy shouted.
As Bellamy continued to instruct there search party, Monty, Finn, Jasper, and Octavia snuck out of the camp. They were also curious to what was in that capsule. So they decided to go on a little adventure for themselves, and try and track where that capsule landed.


Hissing was all Asha heard when she awoke. It seemed she had past out on the re-entry.
Opening her eyes, she noticed the door hadn't deployed like it was supposed to. She tried breath but it was hopeless. Her lungs burned as she struggled to find the manual override. Flipping countless switches in the process, she finally found the manual override. Flipping it down, the door shot straight off, flying straight across the ground until it struck a tree, this halting it to a stop.

Gasping as she rolled out of the capsule, she found air once again. Taking in deep breaths before, Asha opened her eyes. Bright light, this making he squint in response. Asha day and rubbed her eyes, then opened them slowly, her eyes gradually adjust to the light. What she found was all kinds of things; a blue sky, the green of the trees, and the sound of nothing except nature. The soft soil beneath her shifted slightly. She clung to the dirt beneath her hands, smiled and took another deep breath in.
She had made it, to Earth.
Asha stood up, still looking around at all the little things she could spot. Pine cones, all sorts of flowers, trees, and the sky. She took another deep breath and exhaled. It felt good to smell real air, was what she thought as she opened her eyes as she remembered she had to find the camp before nightfall. Quickly she rushed to grabbed every thing she needed.
Asha pulled out the radio and turned it on. Static was all that could be heard.
"Great" She mumbled as she put the radio back in her backpack. She thought nothing of it as she decided to try and find it without the radio.
'What can I do?' She asked herself as she looked around. She decided to go the direction the capsule was heading.


About an hour had passed and Asha was still walking, and no trace of human life anywhere. She needed to rest, needed water. Eventually Asha found a river, she made her way over and halted, taking in the view she had been given. It was beautiful, and calm. There wasn't a sound in a million miles, and it felt as if it were the most relaxing place on earth. Asha then turned her attention to the water, crouching down she opened her canteen and submerged the container completely, letting all the air bubble up before the water above the canteen went still. Then she brought it to the surface and took a drink. It was refreshing, and tasted different. Something she didn't expect, but enjoyed.
Asha stood and observed the area before noticing some broken branches and boot prints leading into the forest.
"Yes" she mumbled to herself as she then headed in the direction of the tracks.

About thirty minutes later signs of activity were coming up everywhere. She knew that the camp wasn't far away, she just needed to find it.
Asha continued to track through the woods for another ten minutes before stopping to have a drink. Then an uneasy feeling rushed over her, like someone was watching.
She could hear movement in the woods, the smell of rotten animals and something else lingered in the air as Asha started getting even more on edge. Out of nowhere she then was grabbed, she instantly resulted to her natural instinct. Beginning to kick and scream until something prevailed. It didn't. So Asha pulled the knife she hide earlier in the sock of her boot, and stabbed whatever it was, in the leg. It wailed in pain as she embedded the knife, and again when she pulled the knife out, before kicking it's knee in. It let out another wail as she ran as fast as she could. Asha told herself she couldn't stop, so she kept running till she couldn't run no more.

A few moments later, she stopped on a pathway that looked like a whole clan of people came through. She looked down the path, trying to catch her breath. She found nothing that suggested the direction to go. Gazing down the end she just came to see a man standing with an arrow pointed at her. It was the same person who tried to kill her earlier. Death was so close she could taste it.

The man then began to walk closer and closer till he was five feet away from her. He said something in a language she didn't understand. Asha felt her whole body tense up in fear before dripping the knife and taking a swing at the man, he backed away then pointed the arrow her way, but Asha just retaliated with a kick to the chest, this sending him to the ground.
Her whole body felt alive and she instantly took the opportunity that presented itself, and approached quickly, wrapping her arms around his neck, waiting till he was unconscious. Then let him go. Asha then stepped back and hissed in pain, she looked down to see a large arrow embedded in her thigh. Slowly she pulled herself to a log near by, and sat down, before pulling the bandages out of her backpack and wrapped them around her thigh.
"No, no, no. This isn't supposed to happen" she said to herself as she panicked, her hands were shaking as she stood up once again. Before beginning to limp her way down the path, the unconscious man getting slowly further away. Hoping to find someone how was willing to help her.

She continued down the pathway till she heard another noise, she quickly pulled the gun out of her backpack and held it up.
"Who the hell is there? Show yourself!!" She shouted, then the man stepped out from behind a tree, it was the same one she had almost strangle. He chuckled as her approached Asha, seeing ho afraid and scared she was. Then he halted to a stop a few feet from her, he looked amused as he glared at her before putting his bow and arrows down on the ground, then pointing down the pathway as if he was giving her a head start. He was.
Asha frowned before he grunted loudly. She took about two steps back as she lowered the gun. Then ran, pushing herself through the pain, she wasn't taking any chances. As long as she was alive, that was all that mattered.
Her breath started to strain as she tried to run faster, then the whoosh of an arrow flying passed her was all she heard before tripping. Hitting the ground with a thud, Asha groaned in pain as she rolled onto her back and looked up. There he was, the savage, the man. He gave her one last glaze before aiming, and then...BAM!
The sound of an arrow rushing through the air. And the thud as it hit his chest, he gasped. Asha crawled back as she watched him fall to his knees then spit out blood, and finally fall to the ground. She looked around, then stood up. Her head beginning to feel lightheaded, as if everything was lighter. She felt so drowsy, or tired; maybe it was the lose of blood, she thought she was in a dream.
'Ten fingers...not a dream' she thought to herself. She looked up to see three boys and one girl.They looked like they were from the ark. The boy with goggles walked up slowly with his hands up in surrender.
"It's okay, you're safe now" he said trying to reassure Asha, though it didn't work. She held up the gun.
"How do I know you're not gonna try and kill me like the other guy" she said as her hands shaking uncontrollably.
"Because we just saved your life. You're...from the Ark? names Jasper Jordan" he said as he kindly smiled at her.
"The Ark..." Margo seemed like she was about to pass out any minute.
"What's your name?" Jasper asked.
"Ashlee...Harris" she said seeming like she was half asleep, then she felt her body way beneath her weight and fall, her mind starting to blacken as she passed into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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