|13| I've got that

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House meeting

House mistress: *talking to the kids about what stuff you've got to bring for the group events and other house shenanigans*

HM: *at one point mentions about something everyone should have which I can't remember what btw*

My kid (in the sense you know right) : *raises hand* excuse me teacher, I've got that!

Everyone: 😂 (btw my class is the youngest atm)

HM: *again mentions about everyone to be equipped with a side bag to bring their food and water bottle*

That same kid: *raises hand again* Excuse me teacher, I've got that! My mother bought it for me.

Everyone: 😂😂

She's too adorable Lol. 💙


Thank you so much for all the votes and sweet comments guys I'm Lovin' it 💖💖💖

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