|15|I got you a diamond

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Me: *getting the attendance *

Kid: Excuse me teacher, *hands me a tiny box with squiggles* I brought a gift for you.

Me: *looks at it, takes it.* aw thank you!

Kid: *smiles shyly* teacher can you look what's inside?

Me: *since it's a mad rush and we had to leave for practices * I'll see later okay?

Kid: okay *leaves*

During practices.

Kid: *walks from one end of the grounds to where I am*

Me: O.O what are you doing here? (Since she's supposed to be in her house and all)

Kid: teacher, did you open my gift?

Me: *aw moment* haha not yet. We'd go back to school and open okay?

Kid: okay. *whispers * teacher I got you a diamond. *goes away*

Me: O.O *what the*

Back at school.

Kid: *asks again*

Me: *already guilty but super stuck trying to get all my kids quiet and ready to go home* aw I'll open it soon okay?

Kid: okay.

After the whole lot leaves.

Me: *opens the thing finally to find that ^ *

If you can't see, written on it is, (From blank blank to my dear teacher.) :')

Loool I can't :'''''D

It's prolly a gift wrap thing and the wedding cake box that's covered with her squiggles but still it's cute of her (except when she forgets her books at home) ;)

Awww man this book would like to thank you for the love it's getting mwahh :*

Adventures From Teacher's LandNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ