Chapter 14

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I don't know for how long we ran side by side. All I knew was that the sun had gone down considerably since the end of the ceremonial invitation to the pack. Despite the long amount of time we had spent running around aimlessly, my wolf wasn't the least bit tired, nor was Val's wolf. I could feel the electricity buzzing between us, indicating that our connection was at its strongest right now.

Deciding it would be a good idea to take a break, I lead him to a small pond near the pack house, but far enough where no one could exactly bother us, let alone find us. I made sure this area was reserved for me specifically. It was the only place I could really get away from my duties when I thought it too much. Bringing Val here was kind of a big deal.

I slowed down as we neared the pond, Val following close behind. Realizing I had left my clothes back at the ceremonial area, I let out an annoyed growl and walked straight into the water. I closed my eyes and felt the bones in my body readjusting. When I opened them again, I saw Val sitting in front of me, watching as I ran my hands through my wet hair.

"What? Are you just going to stare at me all night?" I asked, raising a brow at him.

He gave me a wolfy grin and much to my surprise, he shifted right in front of me leaving him completely bare.

"I wasn't aware we were on good enough terms to see each other...naked." He made his way into the pond, directly in front of me.

For a moment none of us said anything. I could feel my face heating up knowing that we were both completely bare; however, being the strong alpha that I am, I pushed away any thoughts that kept onto my mind.

"I thought I made my intentions very clear" I told him, quickly glancing down at his kissable lips. "You're mine."

At hearing those words, his lips formed a smile that almost reached his ears. The way his eyes lit up was enough to drive the butterflies in my stomach insane. And I would never get tired of seeing that megawatt smile of his. Never.

He brought his arms forward, bringing me closer to him. "Are you really giving us a chance?"

"We aren't jumping into a relationship. That isn't how things work for me. I never planned to have found my mate this early. I had things I wanted to do before this day would come and don't get me wrong, I'm still going to do them. I want to start off as...I don't know friends? It's going to take a while for me to get used to this, so you might get frustrated."

He shook his head, taking both of my hands in his. "That's fine. We'll take it slow. All I want is to be with you, near you, holding you. You're my world now."

If I had thought the butterflies in my stomach were insane then, well now they were murderously insane seeing as it felt as if they were about to puncture holes through my stomach and possibly rupture my intestines.

To try to hide the smile that tried to force itself onto my face, I swam away from him. If I was being completely honest, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Not once in my entire life had I ever been in a relationship, partly because I knew it would be pointless since everyone has their own mate. I also wasn't the best at expressing my emotions to other people nor letting my walls come tumbling down. Could I really do this with Val?

I closed my eyes, letting my senses take over. I felt Val swimming over to me. My wolf and I were both feeling at peace. Usually, I always felt this pressure that wouldn't go away no matter how hard I tried. And now that I didn't try one single bit, I was at ease. What was happening to me? What happened to the Alpha that didn't want a mate because they would interfere with my plans? Why wasn't I pushing him away? He didn't deserve me. I would only ruin him because I myself was already ruined.

But yet, here I was enjoying his presence. And we were both naked. Wonderful.

"I can feel your distress." I heard him say. His hands found their way to my naked waist and pulled me closer to him, not close enough so that our bodies were touching. But close nonetheless.

I itched to pull away. But I didn't. I let him hold me, comfort me. "It's nothing. Just something I need to let go for a while."

It was true. I did need to let go of the idea of me hurting Val. If I didn't, how could I expect for this friendship, and later relationship, to work out?

I opened my eyes slowly and found him already staring at my own. And in that moment of just staring at each other, I realized that maybe all this time I had just been craving for someone to care about me, and I had been too blind before to even realize it until now.

Before I say anything, I just really want to apologize for not uploading in possibly more than just over 2ish weeks. I just haven't had time with school. Not only had I began to neglect writing, but I just also lost motivation for doing school work. And I really need to get my shît together. But now I'm back!

Now, my goal is to post at least once a week, preferably on Fridays but I can't keep any promises. Some weeks might be busier than other weeks so I can't be 100% sure that I'll be able to post every week. Don't expect an update this Friday though! This was your weekly update.

This chapter is shorter than my other ones and I apologize but I just really wanted to post something. It might not even be good and it may have errors that I didn't look over. So again I apologize.

If you enjoyed this, don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT. I'd like to have some feedback with either of these two options. Thanks so much for al the support I've gotten and all the reads. You guys rock!

Lots of Love


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