Chapter 15 - part one

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I crumbled up a piece of paper and flung it across the room. Currently, I was a mess and so was my office. There were about twenty or more crumbled papers lying all over the floor that contained some sketches for one of the new buildings I wanted. And out of twenty sketches, all of them were complete failures.

I sighed and leaned back into my comfy chair, closing my eyes for a brief moment and taking deep breaths.

This building needed to be perfect. After a couple of days of thinking this through, I decided it was time for me to move out of the pack house and build a home for myself. It's not that I didn't enjoy living with my pack because I do enjoy it very much, but I thought it was something that would come in handy in the future.

I stood up from my chair, stretching in the process and walked out of my office. The sound of a little girl giggling caught my attention causing me to walk in that direction. Turning the corner, I saw Val sitting on the couch tickling one of the little ones in my pack-our pack. I would be lying if I said it had no effect on me because it actually melted my heart. A small smile formed on my face as I watched the two interact-there was no doubt he would be a great dad someday.

I don't know for how long I stood there watching the two but it must've been a while because they both stopped and Val was looking straight at me. He whispered something to the little one that caused her to smile brightly and scurry off while shouting, "Good morning Alpha!"

Val stood up from the couch, putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and walking over to me, all without breaking eye contact.

"Morning Audrey," he greeted, a smile plastered on his face. "Did you sleep well?"

I nodded, returning his smile with one of my own. "I did sleep well, thanks for asking. What about you? Shouldn't you be out doing runs with Zander?"

His smile turned into a grin. "Did that already. We got up before you did to get ahead on what we had to do today. I kind of hoped that by doing this I could spend some time with you."

He reached his hand out to place a strand of hair behind my ear. Before, I would have had the urge to pull away, but now it's like I want him near me, even if it's him doing something as simple as placing a strand of hair behind my ears.

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from grinning like an idiot. "Pack duties come before anything. Don't you have to train today?"

He gave me a pout, his lips tempting me to press my own onto his. "Can't you have Keene do training today?"

Val walked closer causing me take a few steps back only to come into contact with the wall. He placed his right hand right above my head and the other took my hand in his.

I looked away from his kissable lips and met his stare. There was no way he was going to get me to chill this early in the morning. Nope not happening. Perks of having me as a mate.


"You're no fun." He said, jokingly.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm an Alpha. I don't have time for fun."

From the corner of my eye, I saw a male figure approaching us. On closer inspection, the person was Keene and he didn't seem too happy.


Hi guys. This is such a short upload and I've had this typed up for a while but I was planning on adding more to it because it's just 600 words. Hopefully you guys forgive me for my long absence and don't worry this is part one for this chapter. I just wanted to post something.

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