Chapter 12

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Levi POV

"I'm sorry Levi, I was drunk and-" I cut Eren off. "Don't apologize. You didn't mean it anyway." I say and stand up. "I mean I--" Eren says but I glare at him. "Not the time to have pointless conversations. We have to look for Marco." I say. "What happened to him?" Eren asks. "A hit was put out on him, and he hasn't been seen in a while." I answer and start to walk for the door.

I hear a knock on the door. The rhyme got out attention. "I got it!" I hear Jean yell and run to the door.

He quickly opens the door and just stares outside. He falls to his knees and begins to cry. Me and Eren run to him.

Once we get to the door we wish we didn't. On the ground was Marco. He was mauled, it wasn't pretty. There was blood everywhere and it was quite a gory sight.
Eren puts his hand over his mouth and looks at me. "Eren stay with Jean, get him inside. The killer couldn't have gone far." I say and run into the street. I look down the street and see a person running away. "Stop running!" I yell and chase after them.

I finally get close enough to them. But the person notices and starts to create obstacles, as in pushing things in my way.
They person pulls out a gun and fires at me twice. They hit me in the arm and fall into a wall. While leaning on the wall I pull out my gun and fire at him. I hit him in the knee and he falls down.
I grab his gun and throw it. I then put my gun barrel against his lower abdomen and hold him by the front of his collar. "Now you're gonna tell me who killed him and who ordered the hit." I say with an evil grin. "I-I don't know!" He yells in terror. I push the barrel against him. "I suggest you tell me, or you won't live to see tomorrow." I say. "Okay... some Mikasa bitch put the hit out on him. But I don't know who killed him!" He answers. "Come on, you know who killed him. Now I suggest telling me." I say. "It was Nazi, I was told he was given the order to kill him. I guess he is helping you guys or something." He says. "Much obliged." I say and stand up. "Now please let me live!" He yells. I aim my gun at his head and pull the trigger.

(10 minutes later)

"You price of shit Nazi!" I yell and punch Eren in the face. He falls onto a table. I pick him up and slam him on the ground. I crouch on his waist and aim my gun at him. "You fucking killed Marco!" I yell. Jean runs into the room and so does the rest of the group. "He did what!?" Jean asks almost in tears. "I was told he killed Marco." I explain. "I didn't do anything!" Eren yells. "Then why would they tell me you did! You Nazi piece of shit!" I yell at him. "Because they want to fuck us up!" Eren yells back. "Damn you!" I yell at Eren.

Eren grabs the back of my neck and pulls my mouth next to his. "Why would I want to destroy this." Eren say quietly. He then kisses me softly. Then he pulls away. "Now do whatever you think is the right decision." He tells me with no emotion. I sit back up and stare at him. "Jean detain him in his room." I order.

Jean does as told and handcuffs Eren to his bed.

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