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As all six of us amble through the main doors, I hear a shriek and Myla and Hana come bounding up, giggly and completely crazy, as usual. Those two are practically sisters.

"Isaac!" Hana says in delight and pounces on her boyfriend. Meanwhile, Myla flings her arms around me, causing me to join in with her laughter.

"Woah, Myla, rein in the enthusiasm. I can't cope with it on a Monday morning," Ashley rolls her eyes at her, and I frown. Ashley never was keen on Myla, but I still didn't like her being rude to her face.

"What's all the excitement about?" I grin at her, and Myla sighs dreamily.

"Aidan took me on the most romantic date the other night," She says. "He drove us to this deserted car park, at, like, midnight, and right at the very end of it it ended on a cliff and looked over the whole town. The lights just twinkled in the darkness and he'd brought pizza and-"

"Calm down, girl. We get the picture," Wren grins. "You have the best boyfriend ever."

"Oh, I do," Myla replies earnestly.

"I'm glad to hear it," Aidan's voice from behind startles her, but she immediately giggles and reaches up on her tip toes to kiss him lightly.

"I'm surrounded by couples," I say in mock exasperation.

"I know, it's making me sick," Ashley agrees, but we're smiling.

We know it's our own fault that we don't have boyfriends. We could get any guy we wanted, but I'm the captain of the volleyball team and when I'm busy with the team, I also have piano and singing. Ashley doesn't have a packed schedule like me, but she prefers flirting over dating. Always leading a boy on and then dropping him like a stone.

"Well if your mum allowed you to actually socialise like a normal teenager, you'd be one of the club," Wren laughs.

"Urgh, don't start. She already thinks you two are a bad influence on me. I can't afford for her to send me to some boarding school in the village of Nowhere," I groan.

"What about Myla?" Ashley asks.

"Oh, my mum adores Myla," I grin wickedly. "Always harping on about Myla, she is. 'Can't you be more like Myla?', 'Myla is such a sweetheart,'" I tease her, and she ducks her head in embarrassment.

"Oh my God, you get it to? I thought I was the only one," Hana says, appearing at her side.

"Hey!" Myla punches her friend lightly on her arm. "You're either with me or you're against me."

"Just kidding!" Hana holds up her hands in surrender. "Anyway, I was just coming over to remind you we have biology next, and if we're late Mr Shaw will murder us."

"Right, well we better get going. He already hates us for mixing those two acids together and causing that explosion last lesson," Myla states, then notices our shocked expressions.

"It was only a mild explosion!"

"The most it did was splatter the people at our table. And it didn't hurt them, so there's that," Hana adds, grinning amusedly.

"You two are seriously wicked," Wren shakes her head.

"We know," They say in unison. Then Myla gestures to Hana and they wave and depart for lessons.

"If only my mum saw her in school," I sigh.


"So if the value of twelve X is thirty six, we now know the value..." Mrs Reilly drones on. I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open, and seriously considering propping my eyelids up with pencils.

Yawn. Algebra was probably the most pointless math we would ever get taught, yet why teachers were so adamant on teaching it I will never know.

Suddenly a crumpled piece of paper flies over my shoulder and lands on my desk, and I twist round in my seat to see who chucked it.

Dylan McCarthy. Of course it would be him. His perfectly sculpted face smirks at me from behind, and he gestures for me to open the note. I roll my eyes, but turn towards the front again and smooth out the carelessly ripped piece of paper.

need a pen. have one I could borrow?

I sigh, but grab a spare pen from my bag and hand it to him. He smirks again, reaching out to take it and purposefully brushing my hand.

I turn to face the front again. Dylan was the schools player, and he considered himself as one of the popular kids. After returning here a year ago, he quickly regained popularity, but not with us. He was one of those independent cool kids who didn't need a whole 'clique' to fit in. He floated between the soccer guys, such as my irritating twin brother, and our guys, but us girls have never liked him. Too much of a reputation.

I really hoped he didn't have his sights set on me as his next victim. Of course I would never allow it, but it was annoying while he tried.

The bell rings, signalling lunch. I stand up abruptly, stuffing my things into my bag and swinging it onto my shoulder. But before I can get out of the prison that's called a maths room, I feel a hand clamp onto my arm, and I rotate around, coming face to face with Dylan.

"Excuse me. My friends are waiting," I try for a smile, but it comes out more of a grimace. His smirk slips, and he hastily fumbles around for something by his side.

"Sorry. Just wanted to give you this..." He trails away, brandishing my pen in front my face.

"Oh, er, thanks," I grab the biro and give him a tight-lipped smile, before rushing out and leaving him standing there. It's best to show no interest before it was too late.

As I'm walking, I spot Ashley waiting for me against the lockers, chatting to Ethan. Her gaze lands on me and she grins.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," I say. "Did Wren go ahead to lunch?"

"She and Alex said something about wanting to get the hot dogs before they ran out," Ashley laughs. "I wasn't bothered, and Ethan didn't mind waiting with me," She smiles gratefully at him, and his cheeks tinge pink.

"How sweet. Thanks for waiting," I squeeze her arm, and smile brightly at them both. "Come on then, I could do with a hot dog."

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