6- ashley

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As soon as we walk in, we're hit with the blast of drunk and excited voices combined with some sort of trap music that was making the speakers vibrate. Wren lets out a shriek and bounds forward, stumbling slightly in her stilettos and causing her drink to spill over the sides. Why she decided to wear those shoes I couldn't tell you, because I know for a fact that she'll be taking them off within an hour while complaining her feet are sore. Being drunk won't help her at all, and I know Libby is thinking this as well, as I see her down a can of something undoubtedly alcoholic from the corner of my eye. She probably knows that if she has to deal with Wren on this state, it'll be better to be on a buzz.

Alex sighs beside me. I can tell he's thinking about the long night ahead of looking after Wren, and I feel sorry for him.

"Hey," I start. "Me and Libbs will take it in turns to watch her tonight. You go have fun!"

"Thanks, Ashley, but you guys deserve to blow off some steam," He smiles wearily at me. I give him a sympathetic grin, and then turn to Libby.

"Alex will be fine. Let's go get some drinks!" I half shout over the sudden rock music that's just come on. She nods and I grab her arm, leading her towards where I remember Ethan disappearing off to when we arrived. Sure enough, I edge my way through the crowds of people, Libby following closely behind, and we make it to the kitchen, where a table is laden with alcohol, no doubt booze stolen from Mike's parents' special booze cabinet. There's also the kegs lined up, along with a few cans of soft drinks.

Libbys's attention drifts elsewhere, and I hear her shriek and run towards a group of girls, who greet her readily. They're probably happy that she's even talking to them, as when I take a glance at them I don't even recognise them. Little do they know that Libby is already a little bit tipsy and would talk to anyone at this point, even bloody Dylan McCarthy.

I go to take a step towards the kegs when a familiar face cuts in front of me. Speak of the devil.

"Not going to be a coward and have a water now, are you Ash?" Dylan McCarthy smirks at me, only inches from my face. I can even smell him, and when he was talking the familiar stench of beer hit me. I fight the urge to gag.

Instead, I wrinkle my nose and force a smile. "Actually," I say, grabbing a red solo cup and pouring beer from a keg into it, "No. And would you mind moving away from me, please? I've got somewhere to be."

His face falls, and he's at a loss for words. I smile, step back from him, and move into the next room, looking for Wren.

This room seems to be the living room, but it's decorated too chilled out to be the proper one. This one has an air of a cinema room about it, with comfy beanbags and slouchy sofas, and a huge flatscreen on the wall. People are lounging about, and some couples are getting way too affectionate to be in a public room. None of my friends are in here so I dart out again and start scanning the hallway. Luckily, I spot Alex's tall frame in the doorway ahead, so I push my way towards him. However, when I get closer I realise he's waving his hands about and shouting, and Wren is on the receiving end of it. Her face is pale, but she's clutching her drink defiantly, the bottle almost empty, and her eyes are narrowed at Alex with one hand on her hip.

"-And if you don't stop, I will leave, and then no one will be around to take care of your drunk ass!" He finishes, breathing heavily with flashing eyes at Wren. Her own darken, and she smiles, almost condescending.

"Is someone jealous?" She mocks him, and he curses and storms away from her. She watches him go, her smile vanishing instantly. I then watch as she drains the vodka bottle and chucks it in a plant pot nearby. I rush over to her.

"Wren! What was all that?" I question her, and she rolls her eyes.

"I was only talking to this guy Jared. Not even flirting! Well," She giggles, "Maybe a little. But he's so dark and mysterious I can't help myself!"

"No wonder Alex was pissed, Wren! You've drank that whole bottle, without even a chaser. Come on, I'll get you some soda," I go to grab her hand, but she dances away from me, laughing.

"I'm fine, Ashley! Let me party," She pouts, slurring her words a little. I frown, but let her go. If she keeps pushing her friends out, she'll be left with no one. I shrug at her helplessly, and she giggles, kissing my cheek and wandering back towards the kitchen. I sigh, knowing this is just a mask for her anger towards Taylor.

A tap on my shoulder makes me turn around, and Libby is stood with her arms crossed, an angry expression upon her face.

"What's up?" I ask, puzzled.

"Why is my brother telling everyone that he saw you and DYLAN making out just now?" She asks in disgust. "You know he flirts with any girl he can lay his hands on. I thought you would do better," She says disapprovingly.

"Wait, what?" I gasp. "I literally spoke about ten words to him and moved on. Honestly, Libbs, I should have thought you knew me better than that," I say, somewhat angrily. But it's not her my anger is really directed at. It's Lucas. And boy does she know it, by the way she's grinning at me like an idiot.

"Does this mean you're gonna have a row with my brother?" She asks excitedly. She loves seeing him taken down a peg or two.

"It does. Now, if you'll follow me, I will proceed to murder Lucas Avery."

Best Friends ForeverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon