5- libby

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"Elizabeth, where do you think you're going with that lipstick on?" My mother says, tutting at the bright red colour painted on my lips. I was hoping I could sneak out quickly to Wren's house before she noticed the makeup. I have my outfit for the party stuffed under a pile of books in my shoulder bag, as I had told her Myla and I were studying tonight. If it had been anyone else, she would have disproved, but as its Myla, she was allowing me to stay for a 'sleepover'.

"Yeah, Lizzy, where?" Lucas asks sarcastically, knowing full well where I was headed. He also used the nickname Lizzy to vex me, as people often mistake my nickname Libby, short for Elizabeth, as the nickname Lizzy, also short for Elizabeth. I ignore him.

"Mum!" I whine, hoping she'll take pity on me. "I was just messing about and decided instead of taking it off I'd just wear it to Myla's."

"Well..." She thinks it over, and as she opens her mouth, probably to decide against it, my seven year old sister sidles up to me and interrupts.

"I think you look pretty," Amelia breathes. Lucas rolls his eyes from where he's stood, and cracks open a can of coke. I know he's planning on sneaking out later, but I didn't want to risk it. Besides, I have the Myla card.

"Thanks, Mills," I smile down at her small form, still wearing her school uniform from today. She was definitely my favourite sibling at that moment. "So, is it alright if I go now? Can't keep Myla waiting," I add, for good measure.

"I guess so. What time will you be back tomorrow?"

"12pm. I have practice with the team," I say, knowing I will really be nursing a severe hangover. Lucas snorts, and I glare at him. He sees my expression and covers it with a cough. The one thing my brother would never do, would be to snitch. That would be breaking our Twin Pact we made when we were six years old. She nods, and I almost sprint out the door.


"We look hot," I state, looking at the three reflections staring at themselves in the mirror.

"If we don't get some action tonight, I might honestly never leave the house again," Ashley says, always the melodramatic.

"Alex will be here soon," Wren says, looking down at her phone. He had finally been persuaded to drive, much to his discontent.

We go downstairs, and Wren's little brother, Cam, looks up.

"Where's your dad?" Wren asks, frowning. He was supposed to be baby sitting tonight.

"He drove down to the store an hour ago. Apparently we're out of milk, though we have loads of it in the fridge," Cam shrugs, but Wren's eyes narrow and Ash and I glance at each other worriedly.

"If he's not back when the guys arrive, I'll give him a call," Wren says, smiling at Cam through restrained anger. Cam nods and turns back towards the TV. We move into the hallway out of his hearing.

"This is a new one for him. Cheating on his wife after just one year," Wren growls. We knew Taylor had cheated before in his two previous marriages, but Wren's mum Gina had looked the other way, out of love. Wren had confessed she'd noticed him eyeing other women before, and had never gotten the idea out of her head that he might go and do it again. Although now, it seemed as if she was right.

Ashley opens her mouth to respond, but before she can we hear a car pull up quietly. Too quiet. The door opens and Taylor slips in, but he jumps when he's greeted by us at the door.

"So. Milk, hey?" Wren says simply, but the danger is clearly in her voice, and I notice her hands trembling the tiniest bit.

"Y-Yeah, I noticed we're out," Taylor says, swallowing.

"Where is it, then?" Wren challenges him, and for the first time I realise he's not carrying any grocery bags. Taylor must realise too, and his mouth opens in surprise. However, he's saved by the loud pulsing of music, and the honking of Alex's jeep. Wren laughs at him, and there is no warmth in it. She then yanks open the door and storms out, with us following suit.

"I cannot believe that man!" Wren screams as soon as she flops down in the passenger seat. Alex and Ethan raise their eyebrows at me and Ash, but we shake our heads and they don't reply. It's best to let her stew in silence.

Ethan had climbed into the back seat so Wren could sit next to Alex, and was in heaven sat next to Ashley. Isaac and Aidan were driving there with Hana and Myla, so it saved someone from having a cramped leg from one of us sitting on their laps. It was a full car as it was, with all five of us filling the seats. Alex turned up the volume and we sang along, or idly chatted about the party.

There was just one thing that was worrying me. Usually when Wren got angry, she would turn to drinking to forget about the situation. Seeing as we were going to be a party with ten kegs, I was sure she would get absolutely wasted. I look at her from the back seat and notice she was already taking swigs from a bottle of straight vodka. I also notice Alex turn to see her taking one large gulp and grimacing at the taste, to which he frowns but turns to look straight ahead again.

We arrive outside Mike Henderson's house, which is so big it should really be called a mansion. The lights from inside are all glaring at us, dazzlingly bright against the darkness of the night. Alex has to do a couple of laps, and we all strain our eyes to find a free space to park the car. It seems as if everyone is already here, which is fine by us. That means the party will be in full swing. As we all climb out the jeep, I quickly pull Alex aside.

"Watch her," I whisper, nodding to Wren. He nods and we pull away, and I go grab Wren's hand, dancing to the music booming from inside. "Come on, guys, lets go have fun."

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