Spray Painted Plants!

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Sabrina, daughter of Aphrodite.
It was finally the week of the prank wars. Excitement was in the air. Everyone was looking forward to pranking each other. People had already gotten supplies, and most people already had pranks planned. Everyone was watching Sonya, as she climbed the highest tree in camp.

"LET THE PRANK WAR BEGIN!!!" Sonya's voice rang out over the camp, and it should have been impossible not to hear her.

Everyone rushed off to their cabins, to begin pranking each other. There were a few water balloons that were being thrown around, and a few stink bombs going off, but nothing major had happened yet. It had only just begun, after all.

Sabrina walked over to her cabin, and she went inside. She had hidden some bottles of spray paint in the Aphrodite cabin, and she knew just what to do with them. Sabrina made sure that her plan was all mapped out. The plan was straight forward. She would go inside the Demeter cabin, spray paint all of the plants so they looked dead, and get out. Sabrina made her way to the Demeter cabin, trying to avoid anyone she saw. She looked into the windows of the Demeter cabin, and she made sure that there was no one inside. Luckily for her, there wasn't. She snuck into the Demeter cabin through a back window, to make sure no one saw her. It was just as well, because lots of people had decided to walk by the Demeter cabin for some reason. She took a long look around the cabin. There were plants of all kinds, all around the cabin. It was going to take a lot of work to pull this prank off.

"May as well get to work then." She started to spray paint the plants that were closest to her. The more spray paint she put on the plants, the deader they looked. It was very tiring but she had to do it.
Most of the plants in the cabin had been painted, when she heard the door opening. As quick as she could, Sabrina dropped the cans, and jumped out the window, before she found out who it was at the door. She sunk around the cabin, and quickly made her way back to the Aphrodite cabin, when she heard raised voices coming from the Demeter cabin. She wandered over to see what was going on. Lots of other people were also on their way to the Demeter cabin, wanting to see if someone had pulled off a prank. As Sabrina got closer, she could see that the door to the Demeter cabin was open, and the cans of spray paint had been chucked outside of the cabin. It seemed as though the Demeter cabin had discovered her prank. Sabrina was trying not to laugh, but it was failing. Everybody around her stopped talking, and turned to look at her.

"Sabrina, did you have anything to do with this?" A random voice calls out from the crowd.

"Yeah, tell us. The prank's really good." People were suddenly calling out praises, and asking Sabrina if she pulled off the prank.

"Okay, okay. I pulled off the prank. Just please don't prank me back." Sabrina called out to the crowd.
Everyone started cheering and congratulating her. Well, apart from the Demeter cabin. They weren't too happy about their plants. It was the first prank that had been pulled since the prank wars were announced, and it was a great prank.


I hope you like it guys, so remember to vote if you like it and comment on what I could improve on!


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