Fluffy Unicorns

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Jack, son of Ares.

It was during the camp fire, the fourth night of the prank wars. Jack had been planning his devious prank since the pranks started. He was pranking his best friend of all time, Isabella, a daughter of Hephaestus. Jack and Isabella had been friends before they came to camp. They went to the same schools, lived in the same area and their mums were even friends.

Isabella was a tomboy. There was no other way to put it. She hated anything to do with anything girly. She would rather live in Tartarus than be a daughter of Aphrodite. Luckily for her, Isabella's dad was Hephaestus, meaning she could work with machines, and be as tomboyish as she liked. Working with machines was what she was good at. She could fix anything, and was the one people came to - apart from Leo, to get their things fixed.

Jack snuck off to the Hephaestus cabin. When he looked back at the dangerously high fire, he noticed Isabella looking around the campfire, obviously looking for him. He needed to carry out the prank quickly, otherwise she would go looking for Jack, and he would get caught.

Jack was placing unicorns all over Isabella's bed. Not just any unicorns, though. He had secretly borrowed some of the make-up from the Aphrodite cabin, particularly the ones that had glitter in them, and a jar of glitter, that was used for make-up, so naturally, it would stick to most things.He also needed some super-glue from the Hephaestus cabin to make sure that it would be extremely hard for Isabella to remove anything that Jack had done today.

With the unicorns in place, Jack got the glitter he was carrying, and sprinkled it all over Isabella's bed, and her bed, making sure that there was glitter absolutely everywhere. Isabella was going to kill him. Quickly, he stuck up some stickers (thanks to the Stoll twins) that had rainbows, unicorns and fairy princesses.

Rushing back out to the campfire, Jack realised that he had been waaaay too long. He'd left around 8pm, and it was currently 8:30. His friends would now be looking for him, as well as Isabella.

"Where have you been?" Isabella questioned.

"Uhhhh, just hanging around, sitting by the fire, with all my lovely friends." Jack replied, "Why do you ask?"

"You weren't at the fire, and haven't been for the past half hour, no-one else has seen you either, and you're acting suspiciously now, so I'll ask again, where were you?" Her tone was light, but she was still suspicious of where Jack had been.

It wasn't until the fire had died down, and campers started heading back to their cabins when Isabella found out where Jack had disappeared to earlier that night.

"JACK PHILLIP YOUNG!! WHERE IN THE NAME OF THE GODS ARE YOU?!?! WHEN I FIND YOU, YOU BETTER BE PREPARED BECAUSE, I WILL FINISH WHAT YOU'VE STARTED." Isabella hadn't been paying attention when she walked into the Hephaestus cabin, and it was only when she went to sit down, nearly covering herself in glitter, that she realised what Jack had been doing.

The campground was silent, apart from the completely hysterical laughter coming Jack near the Area cabin, and the laughter coming from the Hephaestus cabin, after seeing the damage that Jack had caused to Isabella's bed.

"It's completely covered in glitter!' The campers were slightly shocked, but were still laughing about it. "It suits her though, I mean, she is the least-likely person to go anywhere near glitter, at least Jack knew what he was doing."


it's been two years since i properly updated this, i'm so, so, so sorry for that, but i'll try to update a little bit more in the future.

hope you guys enjoyed it 😊

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