Rainbows and Unicorns?!

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Eddie, son of Athena.
"Come on everybody! You don't want to miss the bonfire!" It was Brandon, one of Eddie's half brothers.
"I'm coming! Just give me a few minutes!" Eddie was making sure he had everything for his prank tonight. He was pranking Bella, who had pranked him a few times, so it was time to get her back.

Eddie was walking down to the bonfire, a few minutes after everybody else had walked down. He made sure to keep to the shadows, so it was hard for anyone to see him.

"Hey Eddie." Eddie jumped. It was only his friend Adam, a son of Hephaestus. Adam knew he was going to prank Bella. "You got everything ready?"

"Yep. I've got the paint, and the toys. This will be one awesome prank." Eddie kept his voice low. Even though Apollo was singing very loudly, he still couldn't get caught.

"You sure you don't want any help?"

"No, you just need to cover for me. That way no one will suspect anything."

"Alright man. Good luck. You'll need it when Bella discovers who has pranked her." Even though Adam was normally cheerful and friendly, his voice became deadly serious. Bella, a 13 year old girl, was one of the best fighters in the Zeus cabin - no, the whole camp. She had been at camp since she was 7, and she had been training with her powers as well. Last year, she had almost electrocuted someone, acidentally of course.

"Thanks, I guess." Eddie made his way towards the Zeus cabin. Luckily for him, everyone was focused on the bonfire, and Bella was among her friends, laughing at a joke someone had told.

Once Eddie had made his way to the Zeus cabin, he quickly slid inside. Silently he made his way over to Bella's bunk. It was plain, with only a few pictures and sentimental items.

His first move was to paint the area around Bella's bunk with rainbows. She wasn't a girly girl, but she wasn't a tomboy. Eddie was hoping that this plan would work. Pulling the rest of the contents of the bag onto the ground, Eddie placed the stuffed toys onto Bella'a bed. It made a touch, as the place was now very, very colourful.
Eddie had also bought his automaton. It was a special present from Athena, and he treasured it dearly. What he was going to do next would be pure torture, or so he thought.
"Automaton, create a speaker bubble around Bella's bunk, and play the Nyan Cat song. Don't let anyone turn it off." Eddie was firm with his instructions. He wanted to annoy Bella, after the pranks she pulled on the Athena cabin.
Eddie had packed his bag with the things he didn't use, and he was just about leave when he had a sudden thought. If he could pierce a unicorn with an arrow, what sort of effect would it leave on Bella? He knew that she couldn't stand to see animals hurt.
She was going to kill him for this, but Eddie decided it was worth it. He pulled out his bow and arrow and he shot the unicorn when it's heart was supposed to be. Eddie made sure that he had removed all evidence that could be traced back to him.
He slipped out of the Zeus cabin, and walked towards the Aphrodite cabin. He slipped inside, and his the bag under someone's bed.
As silent as possible Eddie made his way back to the bonfire. Adam was waiting for him.
"How'd you go? Is it all done?"
"It's all done. Everything went perfectly. Bella will hate me." Eddie was confident, and happy that his prank was going to work.
"Bella came up to me earlier. She wanted to know where you were. I told her you weren't feeling well and that you were in your cabin. You might want to keep up the act." Adam seemed happy with his simple little lie, a lie that wasn't easy to pretend.
"Why? Nothing else happened during this time, right?"
"No, but she's coming over here."
"Oh gods. Hide me!"

Anyone noticed the Vampire Academy references? Lissa, Rose, Adrian, Eddie, you get my point. I'll try to use normal names now.
Anyways, I hope you like it and don't forget to comment, follow and vote!

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