Chapter One.

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"Emma" I hear Lacey's voice call me as the front door clicks shut. 

"In here" I mumble furrowing my brows as I stare down at all of the books in front of me. 

"Hey" I look up and see Lacey with her head peering around the door frame, I smile as soon as I see her, it doesn't matter how many times I see her, my heart still does a slight flutter everytime she smiles at me. 

"Have fun shopping?" I grin up at her. 

"I did actually" She grins walking further into the room and bending down to kiss me, I instantly lift my head and close my eyes reciprocating the gesture. 

"So what did you get me?" I smirk as soon as she stands again. 

"What makes you think I bought you anything?" She arches her brow. 

"Because you always buy me something" I chuckle softly. 

"Well even if I did, you can't have it" She shrugs walking away. 

"What? Why not?" I pout. 

"Because it's your birthday in a few weeks" She grins over her shoulder. 

I quickly jump up and follow her out into the hallway, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her back into me, causing her to let out a loud shriek followed by a giggle.

"What did you get me?" I grin biting her ear softly. 

"Get off of me you pest" She laughs swatting at my arms but I refused to let go, squeezing her tighter. 

"Tell me" I grin and began tickling her causing her to wiggle in my arms whilst laughing trying to escape me. 

"Get lost you child" She escapes from my arms and pushes me lightly.

I just smile and pull her back into my arms kissing her nose softly, she scrunches up her nose and gives me a small smile, she wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face in my shoulder, I hide my face in her hair and squeeze her tightly just enjoying the simplicity of the embrace, I could stand here forever just holding her.

When you're a kid you never really think about relationships, of course you believe that one day you're going to get married and start a family, because well it's supposed to be the norm right? Everyone get's married, back before my mum died, I was just like any other kid, I wanted a love like my parents had, every kid does right? Want that perfect romance, want that person who is the one for you, you never know when or how you're going to fall in love, it just sort of hits you in the face one day.

I never thought that I would end up falling in love with my English teacher, but it was completely out of my control, because that's what love is, it is not controllable, you don't get to choose who you fall in love with, just like you don't get to choose who your parents are, even when you are adopted, they choose you, you don't choose them, you have a lot of choices in your life, but choosing who you fall in love with, is not one of them.

But do I regret the person I fell in love with? Not a chance, so what, she was my english teacher, and maybe we were reckless and stupid by being in a relationship whilst I was still her student, but when you're in the same room everyday with someone you have feelings for, it's impossible to not do anything about it, even living with her now and being in the same room as her, I still need to be close to her, always, it's like I am drawn to her, when we are in a crowded room, it's her that I seek out,  because she is the only person that could ever interest me.

A lot of people don't believe in true love, and I'll admit that I used to be one of them, when you fall in love and things end, you're told that you'll fall in love again, that it's not the end, the right person for you is going to come along, but I've only ever been in love once in my life, and it's with the woman that I hold in my arms right now, and I can't see myself being with anyone else but her, I guess everyone says that when they're in a relationship, but I truly mean it, she is my true love, and if something were to ever happen that would split us up, I know that in the end we will still find each other.

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