Chapter Thirteen.

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"So what kind of flowers are we supposed to get her?" I ask Lacey as we stand in the middle of the florist, Jeffery is out waiting in the car for us, but I cracked a window for him so he should be fine. 

"You are quite possibly the worst kind of girl to live on this planet" Lacey shakes her head. 

"Uh ouch" 

"Sorry love, but I reckon you would have been better off as a man" She shrugs. 

"You wouldn't be with me if I was a man" I point out. 

"True" She smiles. 

"How can I help you?" A florist smiles walking up to Lacey, clearly decided that I just looked like a bored child who had no idea what she was doing in there, she was right but still. 

"Hi, could we have a mixed bouquet of Lillies and white and yellow roses please" Lacey smiles at the middle aged woman. 

"Of course, would you like one of these that are ready made? Or would you like me to make you up a fresh one with some added foliage?" She asked. 

"Could you make us up one please?" I smile. 

"Of course, how much are you looking to spend?" She asks. 

"Babe? How much money would you like to spend on your life long friend?" Lacey turns to me, really laying it on thick. 

"However much you think, I'm just here with the wallet" I smile, honestly I have no idea how much flowers cost, which in turn has made me realise I am a terrible girlfriend, how have I never bought Lacey a bouquet of flowers? I wonder what her favourite flower even is? 

I'm not really a flower person myself, if I'm being completely honest I find them a waste of money, you pay for something that is going to be dead in 7-10 days? I may as well buy a goldfish, at least we get to watch that swim around before we find it upside down in the bowl a week later, but I think I should find out Lacey's favourite flower and buy her some, I'm sure it'll put a smile on her face, and it's not as if money is something I need to worry about anymore. 

I stand a few feet away as Lacey and the florist talk while she works, honestly I just keep hearing these random names flying about and even though I assume they're flowers, I can't be too sure, so I just leave Lacey to get on with it, only stepping up to the counter when I have to pay, I almost feel robbed when the woman asks for eighty dollars, I bet the flowers didn't even cost her a quarter of that, but it's a craft I guess and I'm sure she has business overheads, but still a bit steep for a small amount of flowers. 

"Ready to go?" Lacey asks once I have handed over the money. 

"Yes ma'am" I nod, thanking the florist one last time before following my beautiful girl out of the shop and back to her car. 

After much bickering Lacey decided it was safer for her to drive because of my broken hand, even though she already knew I had been driving already without any problems, she still won, saying it would be safer if she drove. 

"Sorry Jefferey, we won't leave you again" I say as we get back into the car and I glance in the backseat at the giraffe. 

"You're aware you're talking to a stuffed animal and you're literally going to leave him at Trisha's house, he is not coming back with us" She tells me. 

"Yes but he won't be alone, he is going to have a little brother or sister to hang out with" I grin. 

"You're such a strange specimen" Lacey shakes her head.

"Says the one that's with me" I smirk. 


I turn the radio up as Play it again by Luke Bryan comes on, say whatever you like about me, but I do love a bit of country music, I sing along to the lyrics smiling over at Lacey when she stops at a red light and turns to face me, she loves when I sing country songs to her, it's always about a boy loving a girl, and I reckon she secretly thinks the lyrics were made for her when I sing them. 

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