Chapter 1

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I sat there in the darkness hearing the rain. I was so lost that I didn't notice someone sneak behind me until a hand grabbed my shoulder. A chill ran down my spine. I didn't dare to turn back and see who it was.

"Come with me my-lady," the person behind me told in a flat voice. I just sat there frozen unable to respond wishing that the person would just leave.

"Mistress Zerin" the person called. ' Who is he?' I thought to myself, how does he know my name. I slowly turned my face to look at him . He was a tall guy almost 6.6 feet or so . He looked like he was around 20 years just my age. He was fair beyond comparison and way too beautiful to be human.

"Who are you? Why are you calling me my-lady and how do you know my name?" I asked all in one breath.

"I am Renald Rayan my lady and I can not address you in any other way." His voice was still the same as he went on with his explanation "You were chosen so that you can make a change. I am your escort to your new life."

"What the hell are you talking?" I yelled at him "What new life, is this much craziness not enough."

"My lady I will explain later but first lets go get you dry," Renald said putting his hand forward.

"I am not going with strangers," I said in a loud voice pushing his hand away.

"Then I have no choice," he said and with a swift moment he lifted me off the ground putting me on his shoulder.

"Let me go, you kidnaper," I screamed as I strugled to free myself.

"My-lady, please keep your voice down or people will gather," he said as calmly and naturally as anyone would say I had bread for breakfast when asked. His voice did not give a hint of any fear nor did it have any other emotion he said it as if it didn't matter if people gathered he said it like he was just saying it for the sake of formality.

"The reason I am screaming is so that people gather " I said trying to get some fear into him .

"No one can hear you," he said in a low voice whispering into my ear with a small curve on his lips. In that moment he looked evil he sent shivers throughout my body, then he was back to the way he looked in the beginning tall emotionless bastard with eyes so still that nothing could be seen in them not even the emotion of a devil.He looked like a robot. I gave up struggling.

"Put me down, I'll walk, " I said with a sigh .

He obeyed with a nod.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"To the changing room," he said plainly

"Changing room. Are there rooms specially meant for changing around here?" I asked with surprise.

"No," he said "The changing room is in the car."

"Changing room in a car?" I asked more surprised.

"Yes , my-lady." he said with a bow.

"Who exactly are you, a king's butler or something?" I asked with a frown.

"No" he said giving me a small smile and to be exact it was not the evil one from earlier. I felt like staring at his face forever."I am your butler" he added.

"Huh ?!" for a minute I was throw out of balance. "My butler,excuse me I am not the princess of some country or anything, so from when did I have a Butler?"

"From a week my-lady," he said "from the time you were revived"

"Revived,the hell with that " I screamed "I don't understand"

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