Chapter 1

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Hey people, this is just a story I'm doing on the side( the main story being Payment go check it out if you haven't😜) I wrote most of the story in a journal while I was watching season one and the beginning of two so some characters that are in the show aren't in this au
Anyway I probably won't be updating as frequently as the other story and I won't be leaving as long of authors notes as this one but anyway hope you guys like it
It would be awesome of you guys left comments and stuff that's always cool anyway I've stalled enough so without further adue
My story: I never knew I needed you ________________________

Everyone told me to stay away.

I didn't listen.

Derek was dangerous anyone with eyes could see it.

I didn't care.

My dad saw him as a criminal. Scott thought he was a cocky Alpha. Lydia knew him as the thing that made Jackson a monster. Allison hated him for "killing her family."
They all saw him as a predator.

Not to me, I told them.

Derek was untrustworthy, and power hungry, they said. He didn't know how to care for anyone or anything, and he was too far gone to help.
His past broke him into a million little pieces that couldn't be put back together again. Derek was unfixable, anyone who tried to help him just got hurt in the process.

They were right, and they were wrong.

Derek was unfixable, yes that part was true.
Derek would never be the innocent boy he was before the fire, before his heartbreak. It was impossible to make him forget his pain completely, and he would never be able to trust someone immediately, they would have to earn it. So yes I think they were right, Derek was unfixable.

But here is where they all got it wrong.

Lydia, my father, Allison, Scott and even at the time, Derek's sister Laura.

Derek never needed someone to fix him

He never needed that.
He needed someone he could trust, someone who would be there for him when things got bad again. Someone who could understand how he was feeling, without him ever having to say a word. Someone who would take care of him. But also someone who would let Derek take care of them.
Someone who trusted him, and counted on him to do what was right. A person who he could calm down when things were too overwhelming.

Someone who needed him just as much as he needed them.

And that's where I came in.

It's short I know but this was really only an introduction of sorts I will try to make the chapters longer anyway love you guys thanks so much for reading
Lots of love Anna❤️(with lots of help from Casey because I can't do anything without that girl love ya bitch)

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