Part Four

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It was almost later into the night when sleep took you. Images of passing memories had filled your mind ruining the idea of a smooth sailing into dream world. Dan's almost everything had consumed your mentality so it was almost less of a surprise when your mind came into consciousness again to your text tone going off. It was a melody you had made with Dan special for you of his song Unicorn Wizard. It was supposed to come off as a music box version just so he could text you and you'd know it be him. No one else had it due to the fact Dan and you had promised each other to have what he called "Super-Awesome Friend Tunes." It almost made you smile before opening your eyes to see what he had to say once the memory played on. Though, that came to a halt once the second message show in the preview screen on your notifications bar.

Dan: I'm so sorry for waking you, if I did wake you, I really need you to come over here...

Dan: Please, hun, I'm not okay, I'm sorry I didn't call, just please get here, I had another bad one...

The last bit had you asking no questions. You responded with a 'on my way just breathe' as you flailed everything everywhere. It was of course now that you'd not be able to find a hoodie or something to cover you in the slightest. You eventually did give up however, running out the door with your keys in hand in your unicorn shorts and t-shirt. You hopped in your car trying to breathe yourself as the engine came to life. Dan shockingly had been quiet since the reply which meant he was either trying to give you a chance to get there, or it was actually really bad. You didn't care either way though, he was in need of you and some petty crap heard over the internet was going to have to wait. You tried not to speed and catch as few lights as possible. You hadn't noticed you were taking the way Dan usually did to get to you when you'd need him. It was almost ironic that you'd be tracing back to him in a sense.

Your mind raced as you came down the street seeing Barry's car nowhere figuring he knew since you'd be home that he'd try you first. Barry was at first the only one willing to hold him through his harder times from the stories you were told. It was an amazing friendship Dan had with him that made you almost swell up with warmth knowing he had someone so kind looking after him. You did shake out the thoughts though trying to park behind Dan's SUV only to see he hadn't let much room. You noticed the lights were one in the house as you shut off the car wondering if he was waiting on the couch.

You approached the front door hearing nothing from the other side. Dan usually met you when these sort of things happened right as you pulled up. It was almost a mystery until someone else had kicked you out of your head.

"Oh my god, I'm so, so sorry, I know this is really bad of me, and I know you're confused but he's been screaming for you." You were pulled inside to the living room by a 5'6, blonde, green eyes, with slightly messy hair and makeup, no pants, hickeys on her neck, and a Starbomb shirt on that you knew was Dan's as soon as the aroma of him hit you when she had stopped to explain. It came up barely passed her panties that shown as she sat down biting on her thumb nail.

You hadn't moved from where she had tugged you inside to due to the fact you couldn't believe it. Dan hadn't even been the one to message you, she did. Which meant Dan lied, about a lot, and one of those lies must had heard about you wherever he had found her, there was no other explanation to it. You kept looking her over still not believing it. She almost looked freaked out beyond belief as her leg started to bounce. She noticed you hadn't moved either so she added on nervously her side some. "I met him at the bar, okay? He didn't tell me much, just that he had no idea what to do. Said he had night terrors, but honestly I believed it more as a pickup line, ya know? Like he needed a teddy bear, we came back here and-"

"Stop." You held up your hand watching her immediately silence herself. You were about to bid her good night feeling the fire in you rising until a yelp with your name sounded from the bedroom. You tossed your keys on the table before jogging into the room. You had heard the rustling down the hall only to be thrashing from what you could see in the dark. There Dan was, under his covers like any other time whimpering with the mixed hyperventilation. You had wondered how bad he got before she even thought to message you. You slipped off your shoes before stepping closer to his side. It would have been more of a risk to face his limbs with how unpredictable he had been. You pulled the covers back and slid in wrapping your arms around his front feeling him jerk slightly until you called to him.

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