Part Five

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It was almost like a gun shot. The banging in your ears, all the screaming, the clawing, just trying to come to the surface but unable to find direction had you gasping for air. You were drowning. A weight on you had you. Images of that dark, crooked, smirk taunted you. You could hear her giggles as he eyed you while kissing her flesh, making her mewl. You wanted nothing more than to shut your eyes, cover your ears, and find the exit. Sadly, though, everywhere was a wall. No doors existed in the room you were locked in only to pick or choose which to cover up.

You'd squeeze your eyes closed, only to hear him and her increase in volume. You'd hear her soothing him, while he clung onto her. He'd whisper to her your name, and through the intoxication she'd already known it wasn't her he wanted, but stood in for you seeing as though it sufficed for a good night. You'd only take so much before covering your ears only to have your eyes force back open to seeing him holding her, kissing her, lazily clinging on like he was desperate for just being able to brace himself against something alive. It was torture to you being hit with this. The first time in a long time, you were remembering dreams, it just was horrible that it kicked it off with this one.

It had started out as his face, his warm embrace, and smelling his scent. His curls would get in his eyes and you could feel the softness as you brushed them back revealing his smile. No too long after though hands creeped around his shoulders. They weren't your own, but it was another moment something then held you in place forcing you to watch lose sight of you only to turn to her. It was then you noticed you had pinned yourself to his wall. Frozen in place, locked onto the scene that could had been before you were reached that night. You could almost hear his heart race when he kissed her in your own ears. It was then you pinned it louder than gunshots until you wound up where you had been presently.

In no time to lose though, with how quickly your subconscious shifted, you were unable to block out one or the other again left to hear him pleasing her only to keep calling out for you. Her voice in response to only his first shorter name, or a petname. You were screaming into the void pleading for him to stop or at least look at you. When nothing worked you tried again to find somewhere to hide. The last option you finally realized though was to sink down in the corner feeling the heavy weight taking you down. You were left unwillingly forced to witness through your own eyes the sick image before you. It was what you were left with hearing and seeing before something closed off your oxygen causing you to go black.

"FUCK!" You shot up from your slumber breathing at alarming rates. Your entire body was sweating profusely as your eyes darted around your dark room. No one else was in there, nothing else was holding you down. You still however were having a hard time calming yourself feeling the lightheaded sensations coming on. You couldn't believe it, it happened. You had your own episode at the worst of times.

Your body shook after another moment still detecting the false danger even after you were aware of your consciousness. It was slipping into a panic attack that had you tunneling. Your breathing was in your own ears as your jaw locked from tension as well. Your hands tingled while they sweat in the cool air like it didn't matter about the California heat. Your eyes went wide feeling your heart the skip once, twice, and in an instant there was a ringing in your ear.

"H-hello?" a groggy voice wafted into your ear drum making you gasp for a long breath with only a sob to come out. In another second Dan was yelling for you into your ear sounding alarmed. "(Y/n)?! Oh god hun are you home?! What's wrong?! Breathe for me! Fuck it I'm coming honey, I'll be right there don't hang up, stay with me!" Dan was panicking which set you worse you only could keel over clutching the phone as the shaking increased. Your sobs from terror and panic had you unable to talk to him. To tell him to not come, that he was the cause of all this, that he didn't matter to you-just like you didn't matter to him, he was only guilty still and was the real reason he was coming for you and nothing else.

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