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You had gotten barely passed the first verse before Dan's lips took yours unable to stand it. You felt the warmth of his arms hugging you closer while still settled into his lap getting more acquainted with how he moved. It was slow, caring, it was an ultimate extension of himself pouring into you. You pulled back after feeling his soft tongue graze the roof of your mouth. He had been testing how further he'd get away with until you both had been panting and needing a breather. Adrenaline and romance were colliding and at the risk of taking things too fast you had to slow it down.

"Okay, we were supposed to be singing and that-" you tried to calm your breathing only to be met with another long kiss from your best friend now potential lover. Danny pulled back with a shy giggle while he rested his hands on your cheeks feeling how warm you had gotten. You sighed unable to help the smile coming through before resting your head against him. He kissed the side of your face and had gone back to holding you in his arms with another small snicker.

"You wanna stop? I can stop if the singing means more?" he offered softly curling you closer. You kissed his neck a couple times with your own quiet giggle thinking how silly he was in general, but also hearing the change in how he intimately spoke to you as well.

"Can we do both?" you asked with a devious smirk watching Dan eye you with his own dark expression. His lips came back to press into yours longingly making your eyes close slowly shut losing yourself in him. He pulled back breathing onto your lips then giving you an answer.

"Who do you think of – does he look like me..." you heard him sing his part softly before unable to help reconnecting your mouths. They matched like missing pieces to a puzzle only you and Dan could do. You nibbled on his lip some hearing a smaller high noise come from him before imitating his move except plugging in answers to his question.

"He's you, always has been-" you panted not realizing the growl in your voice. Dan growled back nipping your cheek as you still remembered somehow to keep going, "do you tell lies – say that it's forever..." you stopped to hold his face seeing his glazed darker eyes search yours. He brushed your hair back nodding turning his expression a little sadder.

"Yes...but not with you more," Dan almost fell into you kissing your hair, "I promise honey...I'm yours..." he said it so quiet, but held the most sincere tone you'd heard from him. You couldn't help but squeeze him back leaning into the crook of his neck feeling him rock the two of you. Dan let it be quiet for a moment then sung his part not forgetting that, "do you think twice – or jt touch and see..." you let his voice waft through your ears feeling him nuzzle your head to get you to look to him. When you did he was smiling warmly knowing that answer. You both shared a giggle between each other before locking lips hearing almost the memorized phantom music become silence. Everything in fact, went silent.

Dan's and yours breathing again was mutually uneven when he pulled back to get another look at you. Your eyes saw the question you been subconsciously waiting for him to ask all along. You leaned in slowly stroking his cheeks then, as your lips gave him the answer, slipped your hands behind his head tangling them into his mane.

You threaded each curl you could grasp between your fingers while feeling Dan hear you loud and clear. Nothing was a mystery after all this, it was only up from here. His lips recaptured yours in their own sensual embrace just as his tongue slid gently along your lip. The small noise that followed close behind the sigh you let go had him unable to stop one that sounded similar to it.

It was never a mystery how well Dan could please a woman, but the thought of him pleasing a woman he loved? It was very night and day in comparison. You've heard the stories, the attempts to do something crazy and wild and how reckless he was. It was all fun or filling a void until now, until you.

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