The Cellphone Game [End]

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Liam's POV.

I started to weep. I grabbed onto him as tightly as I could. "Niall, Niall. I love you. I'm so sorry. This isn't right. None of this is right."

He held onto me and began to cry deeply as well. We held each other there for nearly an hour like that. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

Then, that night before we went home, we both resolved we would start looking for a protective item the next day.

The next day, I was walking with Niall along the track after school when Harry the Rottenbacher approached us with his cell phone. He was furious. He held it up to his face.

"Is this your idea of a joke, you stupid pot-licker Irish dïck!? You're not even British!"

Truth be told, I felt Rottenbacher had the right to be a little angry. Sure, he was a Nazi pervert freak, but with all of the whispers of murder going around, I could imagine anyone being angry about getting a text like that.

But even so, I wasn't about to let anyone talk to my girl that way.

"Hey, buddy, you watch your mouth. That's no way to talk to my boy."

"Boy?" Rottenbacher shouted. "This fucking slut is not a boy. H's just a potato dick, and he tried to kill me! I bet you killed that other boy, too, didn't you? Louis? He's missing 'cause of you, isn't he?"

Niall began to cry again.

I pulled my arm back and punched as hard as I could at Rottenbacher's face. He stumbled backwards a few steps and grabbed at his lip, from which trickled a little stream of blood, but he kept his composure.

I halfway expected him to swing back at me, but he just stood there.

After a moment, he spoke.

"You just don't get it, do you Niall? I'M ALREADY IN THE GAME. I always have been. I know the fucking score. But unlike you, I never cursed anyone else."

"Bullshit!" I said. "If all that's true, then how are you still-"

Suddenly, I remembered the Cilice Rottenbacher wore around his leg that caused him to limp in agony, and what Niall had told me at lunch.

Whenever a new protective item was discovered, whatever it was, it would cause its bearer to suffer.

"Your protective item! You have one!"

Niall's eyes lit up. It was clear that had realized the same thing that I had.

Harry the Rottenbacher smirked. "That's right. So I just figured your boyfriend better know that he didn't get any additional time for trying to curse me. I've already been there and done that."

Niall looked up at him with fear in his eyes.

Days passed and, try as we might, Niall and I couldn't find anything that could qualify as a protective item. We were approaching the two-week deadline and he was looking more and more scared by the day. His hair was a mess, his usually bubbly personality was glum and distraught. He stared off into space during classes and prayed constantly.

After the two-week deadline passed, we were both terrified. He came to me at school and said, "Liam, I want you to sleep with me tonight. Stay with me all night. Don't let it get me."

I couldn't refuse. I showed up at him house late that night and came in through his window. We slept together. It was bittersweet.

He went to sleep holding me, but I lay awake most of the night watching and waiting until I finally fell asleep around 4:30 in the morning from sheer exhaustion.

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