An Awkward First Date [Ziall]

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Zayn's POV.

I've always been the quiet one, the shy one, the one who never spoke up, the one who'd never talked back, even when I knew the person or persons talking to me were wrong.

Thankfully I was never bullied; being invisible to others has its benefits.

The only person to even notice me without getting their attention first was Niall, the new boy. He looked plain to others, but by god, he looked perfect to me.

Short fake blonde hair quiffed back. No makeup or fancy clothes, just natural beauty. Of average height for a boy his age, average measurements too if I'd dared to ask. I thought nothing of him besides from his glowing beauty, but something he did would forever make me want him from then on.

He talked to me.

"Hi, I'm Niall, what's your name?" He asked so cheerfully.

While it may have been common in other schools, most new kids who came here kept to themselves, and the fact that the first student he talked to would be ME, the nobody, the one who was shy, quiet, the one who was ignored, even by his own family.

"Zayn." I replied back hesitantly.

"Nice to meet you." He extended his hand out to shake mine, which took me further by surprise.

No one and I do mean NO ONE, ever wanted to shake my hand. It wasn't that people were afraid or grossed out by me, just that they never took the time to know me that well. Handshake may not seem like much to anybody else, but to me, it was a sign of acknowledgement!

After our handshake, he turned his focus away from me and started to listen to what the math teacher was saying about how calculus has more to do with the work force then what the students presumed.

I didn't listen, I for the rest of the class period, focused on him, the first boy to acknowledge me. Thankfully I was invisible to others, otherwise they would've insulted me for looking right at him the way I did.

Since then, I've always thought of him, even when attending the other classes that the school has saw fit to put me in, even when I was out of school and home alone.

My parents were the party going type, I rarely saw them. Only in the mornings when they would hazily stumble out of their bedroom to make coffee and eat and go to their respective jobs, which they never explained to me. I sometimes wondered if they even had jobs, partying like they do every night, but they had to be getting that money somewhere right?

We never talked; they never took the time out of their 'busy' lives to talk to their only son. From what I can tell they don't hate me, they just don't seem to care less, and besides from being my parents, had no reason to.

I never caused or got into any trouble, all they would do is leave extra food for me to eat in the fridge and cabinets. So they did know I existed.

Before I turned 16 in 3 weeks before, they always got babysitters to watch over me. I had all types, ranging from sweet to flat out rude, but since I always stayed in my room, I never bothered them, so I never gave them a reason to bother me.

I had no friends, I did try to make some last year when I moved to this quiet town in Bradford. But I'm just not an interesting person. I'm just shy and quiet. But it was ok, I never had any friends to begin with.

My family ignored me, and so did my relatives whenever the rare opportunity came that they came over to visit. The teachers and authority figures never bother to try to get to know me, besides from giving me my grades and assignments that they had to give everyone.

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