133 27 17

Hi there. I just read your profile on wattpad. You sound nice. You like nice things. You've read quite a few books, looking at your list, and you listen to nice music. You're pretty! You have a dog, (aww) and you've been to some nice places, lucky you. Your dream of World Peace one day... Okay, you're allowed to dream I guess.

I read the first few pages of one of your books. Almost four million reads, wow that's impressive! It was a sci-fi love story, with lots of fighting and some weird characters who spoke through spelling errors. Sorry, I don't like sci-fi, so I stopped reading.

I did check out your Facebook page, since you had that link thing at the bottom? I saw you and a mirror mostly, a mobile phone in your hand every time. Is there never anyone around to take the photo for you?

I noticed a few shots of you with some friends too. You looked a little drunk in some but hey, I've been there, so I'm not one to judge. Your rant about having to find a different salon because the hairdresser cut an inch too much off the length was a bit over the top though, especially since the owner read it and the poor girl lost her job! 124 comments! Goodness! You must have a lot of friends! Oh, you have 2,315 of them. How on earth do you keep up with them all?

...Yeah, I feel you. It's hard to find that perfect someone. Your last boyfriend seemed nice, I don't know what happened - oh wait, you have a post about that too. Hold on.

He said what? "bitch" "cheater" "hitting on my best friend"... Did you really? Oh I see, "liar" "you suck" "get a life". That explains it.

You're seventeen. I guess I know you, because your whole life is spread out over the many social platforms you inhabit. From baby pictures to your last 'formal' when - as I surmised from the many comments - "it" happened. I guess now you can flesh out future love scenes, having been there, done that. You go girl.

At seventeen I had no clue. You seem to know everything! Your future bright and bubbly, all those people following you, liking you, favouring you... you're a STAR already, you are SOMEBODY!

Can I ask this one little question? Who are you? I know what you are, what you like, dislike, what you do, what you say and write and share... but I don't know you. Do you know you?

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