Chapter 21

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Tyler and Drew amongst others had no idea what to do, but the principle barging into the room had everyone silent and unsure as to what to say next, he scanned around the room and spotted Rose who didn't belong, covered in blood and the body of a man laying on the ground with a knife stuck in his neck.

"What the hell is going on?" he yells out looking directly at Rose.

"I was delivering something to Tyler when he attacked, I reacted, no one is hurt, the cops are on the way" Rose says to him.

The principle eyes Rose warily but saw no lies in her eyes. He looked around the room and saw the fear in his student's eyes "Everyone is to remain where they are the cops will need statements from you all and then we'll go from there" he sighs out.

The sirens of the police grew near, but that wasn't all she could hear. She turned to look at Drew and Tyler they both carried a worried look on their faces.

Ace was of course the first one to walks into the cafeteria, his men trailing behind. Scanning the room some of the girls look at him with hungry eyes, but his focus was on Rose whom he spotted covered in blood.

Rushing up to her he searches for any injuries; a bruise on her cheek, a busted lip and a blood trail down her neck from where the knife was pressed against her throat.

"Ace, I'm okay, he only got my face" she tells him.

"You could have gotten seriously hurt, what were you thinking?" he growls out, he was angry at Rose for the risk she took, but also with himself for not making sure she was safe.

"That he only had a knife and I made sure he never went near my stomach and I was the target in the first place" she tells him, but that made him all riled up.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" he bellows. A few people look their way, but others looked and turned away out of fear".

"Ace, we will talk about this when we get home, but I ache, my face is throbbing, and I still need to talk to the cops" Rose explains as Officer Jackson walked into the cafeteria and Ace sighed.

Both guys shook hands and turned to Rose "What happened?" he inquires.

Rose went through the whole thing not leaving out any details "And why was he after you?" Officer Jackson asks.

She sighs "Sandra sent him to kill me" she tell him.

Officer Jackson raises an eyebrow in question "Who is Sandra?" he queries.

"My mother" Rose says bitterly.

The officer was not expecting that "Does this mean there will be more situations like this?" he wonders and Rose shrugs.

"No idea, but this isn't the end" she tells him, and he nods.

He turns around and has the mess cleaned up including the removal of the dead body.

Ace pulls Rose into a hug, his arms around her shoulders and she cries out in pain, Ace jumps back and searches her for injuries.

"Your hurt" he says full of concern. Tugging on the hem of the hoodie she sighs and raises her arms so he could take the black hoodie off groaning as she does from the knife wound in the arm.

Everyone had their eyes on Rose and Ace as they conversed and gasped when they saw that she was pregnant.

He inspected her arms and saw some bruises and a stab wound in her shoulder, Rose gets her ruined hoodie and placed it against the injury to slow down the blood, but his main concern was her stomach, lifting her shirt his hands dance over her small pregnancy stomach and sighs in relief upon seeing nothing. His attention goes back to her shoulder, "Brett, get me the medic bag, she needs stitching up" Ace orders out.

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