Chapter Six

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The rest of the week goes by like a breeze, mostly because I have tons of homework to do. Colton made me quit my job so now I have even more time to do homework... yay. I call my mom once only to get more bad news. She told me he needs surgery soon and when I told her not to worry, I meant it this time. I promised to send her money as soon as next week. It felt good to finally help them somehow, it makes all of this worth it.

On Saturday, I wake up around nine and get in the shower then make some breakfast for Derek and I. Now I actually have time to make food too. I have to admit that not working feels pretty good.

"You've been home a lot." Derek says as we eat. He looks up at me. "Did you quit your job or what?"

Crap. I hadn't thought about that. I shrug. "Yeah, it was starting to take too much of my time. I still have money left for bills, don't worry."

"I wasn't, it's just nice to spend time with my roommate." He says winking at me.

I just smile. I hadn't thought of Derek as anything more than a friend. This isn't the first time he flirts with me, I just always shove it off and think he's playing, I hope he's playing.

For the first time in a long time, I don't have homework. I do have to study for an exam but I decide to give myself a break and just watch TV with Derek. I stand up when my phone starts to vibrate. "I'm going out." I announce reaching for my bag.

"See you later." Derek says not taking his eyes off the TV.

I walk outside as I try to put on my coat. I look around in the parking lot but I don't see his car until he walks out of a truck this time. He is wearing a dark blue suit today with a white button down shirt and black shoes. I look at him and wonder how or why whoever that girl was left him at the altar.

"Good morning," he nods at me as he opens the passenger door.

"Thank you." I say politely as I get in the truck. It is high and I have to do a little jump to get in. He gets in the drivers seat and reaches for his phone on the dashboard when it begins to ring. I notice he has a silver watch on his wrist and also silver rings on his middle and fourth finger. I look out the window, trying to mind my own business as he makes his call. I had this whole confrontation ready in my head, demanding why he didn't tell me who he was, but now I am with him, I chickened out. He is just so intimidating.

The drive to his place is silent. An uncomfortable silence, at least for me. I don't know if he's always this unaffected by things-but he doesn't seem bothered at all.

"Did you eat?" he asks me as we walk in his condo.

"I did, thanks." I say taking a seat on a chair this time. Since we're going over a contract, I figure we're going to need a table. He gets himself a glass of wine before sitting in front of me. He places a packet in front of him. I gulp slowly. "Exactly when were you planning on telling me that you are a Collins?" I am surprised by how good that comes out of my mouth, considering the fact that I didn't even know who the Collins are until a few days ago.

"Took you long enough." He says.

"And you say it just like that?" I ask, getting a little mad. Sure he's the most intimidating man I've ever dealt with but that's not going to keep me from showing him my annoyance.

He looks up at me. "Usually I don't need to tell people who I am, they just know."

"Well, I didn't." I say looking at him. He can't just expect everyone to know who he is. He can't be that famous. Either way, he knew I didn't know who he was and he was supposed to tell me.

"I know." He says, nodding. "I was wondering how long it was going to take you to figure it out."

I roll my eyes at him. "Don't take it so lightly, Colton, I am not interested on being followed or photographed. I don't want people to know what I'm doing for you."

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