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Prologue part 1

The Pan Prince stood at the helm of his ebony ship, The Jolly Roger, staring off into the night. His soul tugs against it's tethers and he resists the temptation to fly ahead. He turns around and asks the crew and ship to hasten their journey. As he turns back he mentally scolds himself for being so impatient and rude.


The ship's voice flows through his mind like a melody "We're here." He bounces slightly on his toes with eagerness and his hands shake in anticipation. As soon as the ladder clinks against the roof he is up in the air one second and on the roof the next. He flies to the side of the building and peers in a window. He sees a white room with two identical bunk beds, a sleeping form in each. He frowns and flies to the next window. When he finds the same his frown deepens and he flies to the front of the building and backs up for a wider view. "Miss Harland's orphanage for boys" the dreary sign reads. He shivers, recalling his own time spent as an orphan.

Peter closes his eyes and reaches deep into his mind for his sixth sense. He gets a quick read on the emotions emanating from the building before returning to the present. Most of the emotions he gets are sadness and fear but he does get a few happy emotions. Happiness from the children looking forward to the upcoming adoption day and of course the anomaly of his successor. Peter's eyes brighten as an idea comes to him and with new found excitement he zooms from window to window, waking each boy and floating them to the roof.

"Who are you" one boy asks courageously.

"Peter Pan" he answers.

"From Neverland?" one boy asks intruged. Peter nods and all the boys start talking and asking questions. Peter blows into his small flute that hangs from his neck, letting out a high note to get their attention.

"One at a time" he says sternly. He picks a boy at random.

"Are you going to take us to Neverland?"

"Only if you want to go" Peter answers turning to the side to reveal the ladder leading to the floating ship. Some boys begin to climb aboard while others stay behind fiddling with their fingers or staring at the ground.

Peter instantly understands and raises the boys into the air before sending them back to their rooms. His calm face hides a storm of panic for one of the boys is his successor and Henry never told him what to do if the boy didn't want to come.

"Wait!" Peter turns towards the voice, shaking himself from his inner argument, to see it coming from the future Pan Prince.


"I've changed my mind, I want to come" The boy affirms. Peter floats the blond haired boy onto the ship, trying desperately to keep a straight face while on the inside he is rejoicing.. He lands on the deck and Killen, Ship's captain, comes up to him.

"Micheal the plan was to get the boy and go!" Killen says angrily.

"But but it was an orphanage and I didn't bring all the boys" Peter says as he looks down at the floor guiltily. The last of the boys finish climbing on and the one important boy speaks up.
"I thought you said your name is Peter? " Micheal opens his mouth to reply then closes it and frowns before replying.

" I'll explain later, its confusing" He answers. Killen opens his mouth to continue the argument when Ship interrupts (for some reason she has the name Jolly Roger but hates being called that.) Her melody flows through the air and everyone looks confused except Micheal, the special boy, and Killen who looks annoyed because he only knows a little of Ship's language. "She says that she doesn't mind the extra weight and she has enough room" Micheal says translating.

The ship lifts off the roof as the ladder is pulled up and the arguments are solved. A rumbling echos through the air as the pressure builds up. "And away we go!" A boy clad in green announces and his words are left echoing through the air as the ship blasts off until its only a wink of light on the horizon.


Ello Ella (a.k.a. Chessie) here...just saying hi and hope you're enjoying the story so far.

-Chessie out

Finished: 1/20/16

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