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After a hearty lunch, Micheal took Peter someplace special. It was in the heart of the tree house.

"Micheal, why are we here? Its just an empty room!" whined Peter, hovering just slightly above the ground. He had learned how to fly surprisingly quickly. He reminded Micheal of the stories Henry told of a past Peter Pan, a particularly mischievous one.

"You'll see." said Micheal. He reached out to a small branch, and pulled it down while stepping on two small dark spots on the floor. A panel opened on the wall.

When the two boys entered the room, Peter almost fell over from sheer shock.

The room was quite large. There were many hallways, each leading in a different direction. In the center of the room, there stood a statue of a boy, with a saber in the air. He had a smile on his face He wore a tunic, and shoes that turned up at the end. A small pixie could be seen sitting on his shoulder, laughing.

The boy stood on a tall rectangular column. At the top of the column words could be seen engraved into the marble. The words read, 'Peter the First.' The  column also had hollowed out parts, where scrolls and books were neatly lined.

"This was the first Peter Pan." Micheal said.

He lead Peter down a hallway with more statues. 

"We come down here when we are stuck. We read through the books that the Peter's before us wrote. When you become Peter Pan, you'll need to come down here and study these books a bit."

They passed by many different looking Pans. One had a fluffy Mohawk, with bones sewed into his vest.

The boys soon reached the end of the hallway. At the end, on the left side, there stood a statue of a Peter in a top hat. The words carved into the marble pedestal said 'The 98th Peter: Henry.'

"This is the Peter before me."Micheal said, "My statue will be over there."

Micheal pointed across the hall.

"That makes you the one-hundredth Peter Pan."

"Whoa." said Peter. He looked up at the smiling boy. A few faeries fluttered around the statue, one looked vaguely familiar.

"Hey!" Peter said flying up to meet the small creature.

"Oh, Hello Mr. Peter!" said the pixie. She had a brown top, and leaf leggings.

"You're the fairy in my happiest memory!" He stated excitedly.

The fairy looked puzzled, and rapped her knuckles on her head before responding.

"Oh! Quite right! I do remember! We fairies live for an extraordinarily long time! My, have you grown.!"

"Sodme, you visited the human world?!" Micheal reared.

"Whoops. Must of slipped me mind. Sorry Mister Micheal." Sodme said.

Micheal sighed and put his face in his hand. Sodme rubbed the back of her head.

"Can I keep her?" asked Peter.

"Keep her?!" asked Micheal.

"KEEP ME!?" Echoed Sodme.

"Sure! The first Peter had a small fairy friend! I want one!" Peter said.

"Think you can handle him Sodme?" Asked Micheal.

"Sure! It'll be fun!" Sodme gushed.

Peter crowed his squeaky crow, and flew circles in the air.

"Peter. Peter, listen. PETER!" Micheal yelled. This caused Peter to stop dead in his flight pattern. He was quickly dragged down to Micheal's eye level.

"Listen please! If you want to keep her as your guardian, you'll have to listen to her. She knows what's best. Promise me. Pinkie Promise." Micheal said.

"OK I promise." Peter said hooking a pinkie around Micheal's.

Now, normally this would be forgotten, but in Neverland, if you break this promise, it's like signing your death slip.


I have gained a Co-Writer so we are now writing this together. She wrote all of this chapter :)

-Chessie out

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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